16 Jul 2018

Sultan Perak launches Telegraph Museum in Taiping, Perak

Sultan Perak launches Telegraph Museum in Taiping, Perak Article Header

​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) via its foundation, Yayasan Telekom Malaysia (YTM), continues its role to preserve arts, culture and national heritage when the Company today officially launched its second museum - Telegraph Museum - the first of its kind in the country, in Taiping, Perak.

The launch of the Telegraph Museum was graced by HRH the Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah. Also present at the launch were HRH Sultanah of Perak, Tuanku Zara Salim, Raja Muda Perak, Raja Jaafar Raja Muda Musa and Raja Di Hilir Perak Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain together with Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Sulaiman Mahbob, Chairman, TM who also the Chairman of YTM, Datuk Bazlan Osman, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer, TM and Abd Hamid Hashim, Director of YTM.

The launch of Telegraph Museum is a historical event for YTM after the opening of the Telekom Museum or also known as Muzium Telekomunikasi Negara in Kuala Lumpur in 1994.

Tan Sri Sulaiman in his speech said, “The role of the museum has changed over the years, expanding its focus beyond presenting things of the past to include creating a connection with the present and a glimpse into the future. Telegraph Museum is a space that provides us with the knowledge on telegraph’s history since 18th century. The Post & Telegraph Department (P&T) has played an important role towards the development of National’s telecommunication system and TM through YTM has the responsibility to maintain and preserve our nation’s heritage for future generation.” 

“The establishment of the Telegraph Museum is set to be the latest tourist attraction in Perak specifically and Malaysia, generally. The museum features the history of telegraph communications system including its maiden breakthrough here and how the technology has contributed to the development of the nation.

We hope that the both museums; Telekom Museum and Telegraph Museum will be the places for students, researchers and the communities within and outside the country to deepen their understanding on the country’s telecommunication heritage and telegraph communications system,” he added.

YTM’s efforts in establishing this Telegraph Museum is intended to restore and conserve the historic building, built in 1883 that housed the first Post Office & Telegraph (P&T) Office in Malaya, which then also became the first office of Telekom Malaysia. This 135 years old Telegraph office represents national identity and the highest historical moment in the earliest telecommunications history in the country. The two storey building has also been used as Jabatan Telekom Club Office and Telekom Malaysia Technical Operations Office before conservation works of the heritage building by maintaining its original shape during the 18th century.

Among the interesting artifacts being showcased at the Telegraph Museum is the 1870s submarine cable which was the earliest cable in the world that uses insulation materials from the Gutta Percha tree extract. Visitors can also take a tour around the museum to see the telegraph transmitor and reception tools as well as other peripherals related to telegraph communications system back then while appreciating the history of telegraph and the benefits it brought to the nation until the telegram service was terminated in 2012.

Malaysian citizens can purchase the entrance tickets at RM8 for adults and RM5 for children while for non-Malaysians, the ticket price is RM15 per person.

In conjunction with the launch of the Telegraph Museum, TM  also collaborated with Pos Malaysia in issuing a limited edition stamp collection kit that features the Telegraph Museum which can be purchased at RM50.80 per set from 98 Pos Malaysia Offices nationwide.

With the launch of this second TM museum, TM has proven their commitment in conserving this historic heritage. The Company believes that these initiatives by YTM such as the establishment of the Telekom Museum and the Telegraph Museum will greatly benefit in national development, in line with our unique role as a partner in nation building.


27 Feb 2018
TM on course to accelerate convergence and empower digital to expedite national broadband adoption; continues value creation

Key Highlights of Financial Year (FY) 2017 vs FY 2016:   Performance FY 2017vs FY 2016 o FY 2017 Group Revenue at RM12.09 billion o Group Operating Profit (Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT)) at RM1.09 billion; whilst Normalised EBIT was RM1.19 billion o Group Reported Profit Before Tax (PBT) rose 14.1% to RM1.05 billion o Healthy Group Reported Net Profit (PATAMI) growth of 19.8% at RM929.7 million; Normalised PATAMI growth of 1.8% at RM863.2 million o Delivers dividend commitment - declares 2nd interim dividend of 12.1 sen per share or RM454.7 million; total dividend payout stands at 21.5 sen per share or RM808.0 million o Sustained customer satisfaction with Customer Satisfaction Measure (TRI*M index) score of more than 73, above global telco average of 66   Operational Highlights o Consolidated unifi brand for converged lifestyle services  o Achieved more than 1.1 million unifi (Home and SME) customers o Launched unifi Mobile #BEBAS and mobile@unifi app - unifi Mobile TM Household penetration at 9.8%     Telekom Malaysia Berhad Group of Companies (TM Group) today announced its results for the financial year ended 31 December 2017. The Group’s 2017 performance was mainly driven by Internet and multimedia services. Group revenue stood at RM12.09 billion on the back of higher internet revenue contribution, which rose 8.3% against FY 2016, to RM3.97 billion; contributing 33% of total revenue.   Speaking at the press conference after announcing the Company’s 2017 full-year financial results, Dato’ Sri Mohammed Shazalli Ramly, Group Chief Executive Officer, TM said: "2017 was a challenging yet transformational year for TM. We stayed focused on our Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Key Happiness Index (KHI), driven by our Perfexe 10 aspirations. The holistic Perfexe 10 execution approach drove us to implement our high priority plans whilst accelerating convergence and empowering digitisation. Perfexe 10 simplifies and serves as a guide to all of our business operations while we closely track the progress of each plan and evaluate specific initiatives to ensure we execute in a timely manner. Although Perfexe 10 is a long term plan, we are pleased by the progress of each business thus far; where we have rebranded our business clusters, with unifi representing lifestyle offerings for homes, individuals and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs); TM ONE offering end-to-end converged solutions to business verticals in the enterprise and public sector space; and TM GLOBAL positioned to accelerate the digital opportunities of domestic and international telecommunications.” Dato’ Sri Shazalli went on to comment, “Overall, TM was resilient in a challenging environment, delivering healthy revenue and profitability. We are pleased with the market’s response to all the initiatives that we implemented during the year. We saw strong customer traction in the home and mobile space. The recently launched unifi mobile #BEBAS, broke away from convention - where our customers are now liberated to use our mobility service relevant to their needs - and fully on digital, showed very encouraging performance.” “TM Group remains at the leading edge of enabling the country’s digital economy via our broadband deployment for the nation and in bridging the digital divide. In our unique role as protector of national interest, the Group’s achievements thus far have been numerous. Through our products and services, we have delivered countless benefits to not only our customers, but all Malaysians. We now have a converged nationwide coverage of unifi which includes broadband, mobility and wifi. As at end 2017, we recorded a total broadband customer base of more than 2.3 million customers. Our main broadband service offering, unifi for home and SMEs achieved more than 1.1 million customers, and unifi Mobile achieved 9.8% penetration of TM’s households.  We have also been fully supportive of the Government’s objective towards improving the affordability, reach and quality of broadband services. In 2017, under the implementation of the Broadband Improvement Plan (BIP), we have successfully enhanced Malaysian’s digital experience by doubling the broadband speed at the same price to approximately 1.0 million Malaysian homes and SMEs. We also launched unifi edu pack for the youth, specifically students at institutions of higher learning and unifi e-biz pack for e-entrepreneurs. Earlier this year, we launched wifi@unifi app that enables all Malaysians to access the Internet via wifi. The app locates wifi hotspots and connects users to over 9,400 hotspots across Malaysia. To further expand our reach to customers, TM ONE collaborated with a renowned restaurant chain to provide high-speed broadband services and solutions including WiFi access points to more than 1,000 of their outlets nationwide. In addition, TM GLOBAL plays the role of positioning Malaysia and TM as the ideal gateway for the world to the ASEAN region; and submarine cable expansion is a key element in achieving this. Three (3) new submarine cable systems namely Malaysia-Cambodia-Thailand (MCT), Nusantara Gateway (NuGate) and Sistem Kabel Rakyat 1Malaysia (SKR1M) have been developed and were completed last year. TM GLOBAL has also set up a new international Point of Presence (PoP) in Marseilles, France, for service providers who need connectivity to Europe. To further enhance our customers’ enjoyment of our wide array of entertainment, and in support of the development of the Malaysian football scene, we are bringing the proud moments of the national football league to all Malaysians and football fans as the title sponsor for “unifi Liga Super Malaysia” and “unifi Piala Malaysia” as well as co-sponsor for Piala FA until 2025. Our customers can now enjoy exciting football content via unifi TV and across all screens, accessible via unifi PlayTV app,” he elaborated. Group Reported Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) stood at RM3.58 billion, lower by 5.6% against last year primarily due to higher operating costs mainly related to mobile services. After excluding non-operational items such as foreign exchange loss on trade settlements and placements, Normalised EBITDA stood at RM3.67 billion, lower by 3.9% compared to 2016. Group EBIT for FY 2017 was at RM1.09 billion, 5.3% lower against last year from the higher operating cost despite reduction in depreciation and amortisation charges. Stripping off the foreign exchange loss on international trade settlements and placements and loss on disposal of financial assets, Group Normalised EBIT stood at RM1.19 billion, 0.2% higher than the previous year.  Group Reported Profit Before Tax (PBT) rose 14.1% to RM1.05 billion, against RM918.5 million last year. TM Group reported a healthy 19.8% growth in Group Reported Profit After Tax and Non-controlling Interest (PATAMI) against FY 2016 at RM929.7 million as compared to RM776.0 million recorded in FY 2016 primarily due to foreign exchange gain on the Group’s borrowings in FY 2017. Excluding this, Group Normalised PATAMI was 1.8% higher at RM863.2 million.  The total capital expenditure (CAPEX) for FY 2017 as a percentage of revenue was 22.8%, amounting to RM2.76 billion, which was lower than guided in 3Q2017, due to internal re-prioritisation of projects. By asset type, access comprised 42% of total spending, followed by core network at 34% and the remaining 24% was for support systems.  “At the same time, it is gratifying to see that our focus on customer experience continues to place us amongst the trusted brands in Malaysia. In 2017, sustained customer satisfaction resulted in our achieving Customer Satisfaction Measure (TRI*M index) score of more than 73, exceeding the global industry’s average of 66 for the seventh consecutive year,” added Dato’ Sri Shazalli. In line with its dividend policy, the Group is declaring a second interim single-tier cash dividend of 12.1 sen per share or RM454.7 million for the financial year ended 31 December 2017. Together with the 1st interim dividend of 9.4 sen per share amounting to RM353.2 million which was paid on 13 October 2017, the total dividend payout is 21.5 sen per share, or RM808.0 million. The second interim dividend will be paid on 13 April 2018.  Accelerating Convergence To Accelerate Convergence, the Group has consolidated its service brands into a single identity. With this strategic repositioning, unifi is now the one and only brand in Malaysia that offers truly comprehensive suite of converged services – home, mobile, wifi and TV, across all segments - fixed, mobile and nomadic - anytime, anywhere on any device; reflecting what true convergence means to the Group.  On the business front, the Group has also converged its service offerings for enterprise and public sector customers, presenting a comprehensive set of solutions to meet all their business needs. With the consolidation, TM ONE is now the one and only trusted digital partner and enabler for enterprises and the public sector to fully realise their digital opportunities. The new business cluster enables private enterprises and government agencies to enhance the way they work, with ‘Consider IT Done’ as its driving force and attitude. In 2017, TM ONE placed more emphasis on an approached termed as “verticalisation”, converging customised vertical or industry relevant solutions, to unleash their full digital potential. Top-priority verticals have been identified for immediate revenue generation. The Group foresees higher traction in its Data Centre business once its Klang Valley Core Data Centre (KVDC) is fully completed later in 2018. Together with the already running Tier III Iskandar Puteri Core Data Centre (IPDC), the inter-connected data centres form a Twin Core Data Centre solutions for high redundancy which are connected via high speed fibre optic connectivity, designed for higher fault tolerance and enhanced security. The Group also foresees potential for new growth opportunities in TM GLOBAL. TM GLOBAL’s focus moving forward is to continue accelerating its business growth by generating revenue from other than connectivity services. It also plays a vital role in expanding content localisation initiatives by bringing international content locally to minimise outbound bandwidth and improving customer experience. It enables easier access for businesses, at more competitive pricing. On the international front, we also connect the world via domestic, regional and global submarine cable development and investments with a total of twenty (20) submarine cables with fibre-route of more than 190,000 km around the globe to date. Empowering Digital Empowering Digital entails digitisation (driving productivity via digital) and digitalisation (monetisation of digital businesses), which combined, will enable TM Group to reap the full benefits of improved productivity, enhanced customer experience and monetisation of opportunities presented. In September 2017, TM Group launched unifi.com.my web portal, a single all-in-one customer service absolute portal for interaction on unifi related services, enabling customers to order or upgrade their services, check their usage, pay bills, troubleshoot online as well as chat in real-time with our agents for assistance.  Under its digital empowerment pillar, the Group also launched hub@TM, a one-stop centre for all apps developed for Warga Keluarga TM. A number of new digital applications that serve both its customers as well as employees were developed such as FLOW - an employee engagement application that facilitates better collaboration and responsiveness; GROW - an enhanced tool for employee performance evaluation and assessment; HERO – a complaint support escalation app for Warga Keluarga TM; HELO - a digital onboarding app to kick start new hires’ employment journey; TMmedic - TM Group’s healthcare benefits app; EYES – a tool for employees to alert network team on occurrences that may potentially result in service disruption.  For customers, several apps have been developed to enhance their overall unifi experience such as wifi@unifi - a unifi Wifi locator app; TM Wifi Optimiser – a tool to boost customers’ WiFi performance; mobile@unifi - a gateway to anything unifi Mobile service – from add-ons #pilihapasaja, to reloading #bayarbilabila, purchasing data, calls and SMS #kredittakmati as well as customer support; and unifi PlayTV - an app version of unifi TV for viewers to enjoy world class entertainment and award winning shows, anytime and anywhere. The introduction of these apps is in tandem with TM’s aspiration of ‘Going Digital’ as the Company moves beyond connectivity into new value added digital and smart services. It is part of the Group’s holistic approach covering customer experience, process optimisation and new business opportunities which entails building a digitally aware and smarter workforce. This is in line with its goal to accelerate the achievement of its strategic goals of Accelerating Convergence and Empowering Digital via “Perfexe 10”. 2018 and mid-term Headline Key Performance Index (KPIs) Guidance TM also announces its Headline KPIs for 2018 and the mid-term target respectively. They are revenue growth of 3.5% to 4.0% in 2018, EBIT to maintain 2017 EBIT RM and Customer Satisfaction Measure of 74. For the mid-term, the Headline KPI is revenue growth of 3.5% to 4.0%, EBIT growth of 3.5% to 4.0% and Customer Satisfaction Measure of 75.  Comparison: Quarter-on-Quarter (4Q2017 vs 3Q2017 Results) The 4Q2017 saw Group Revenue at RM3.20 billion, growth of 8.8% QoQ. Group EBITDA was higher by 1.7% at RM893.5 million QoQ on the back of the higher operating revenue. Group EBIT rose 3.4% at RM270.3 million QoQ whilst Group Reported PBT grew 30.6% at RM307.6 million. Group PATAMI increase 30.8% to RM277.0 million compared to RM211.8 million in the preceding quarter. Prospects for the Next Financial Year Ending 31 December 2018 The Group foresees sustainable performance in 2018, despite competition and challenges. This is driven by the new execution model which prioritises its plans towards delivering relevant converged digital lifestyle services and end-to-end business solutions to all its customers.

23 Jan 2018
Communities in Sri Aman can now enjoy TM’s unifi high speed broadband service

unifi, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) Group’s premier Convergence Communications Services Provider is officially made available in Sri Aman, Sarawak with the recent launch of the high speed broadband service in the area - further strengthening TM’s presence as Malaysia’s Convergence Champion, bringing unlimited experiences, unmatched choices and unbeatable value to more Malaysians. The launch was officiated by Y.B. Dato’ Masir Kujat, Deputy Home Minister who is also the Member of Parliament of Sri Aman, together with Jafer Sadig Abdul Lathiff, Acting State General Manager, TM Sarawak. Speaking at the event, Jafer said, “The launch of unifi in Sri Aman signifies our milestone in the deployment of unifi to towns outside the major cities of Sarawak. This initiative directly supports the state’s Digital Economy Transformation agenda and as Malaysia’s Convergence Champion, TM is committed to empower our customers across all segments, delivering an enhanced digital lifestyle to more Malaysians. By making unifi available in Sri Aman, TM does not only reach out to our customers, but also to enable the local communities, particularly here in Sarawak to experience TM’s full suite of offerings. With the speed of 100Mbps, our unifi packages will definitely enable you to do so much more!” “We are committed to continue empowering a digital lifestyle for all Malaysians by offering comprehensive suite of converged services across all segments – fixed, mobile and nomadic. As technologies evolved, we offer steady reduction in price per Mbps over the years hence increasing our customers’ affordability. For local businesses, TM is excited to be an enabler and accelerator of your business opportunities so your business can grow and expand beyond boundaries. TM as the trusted partner in nation-building initiatives, has been investing in sub-urban and rural areas in addressing digital divide for national interest and we remain steadfast in our role as the country’s key enabler for national communications infrastructure,” Jafer elaborated. Meanwhile, YB Dato Masir Kujat said, “The unifi service offering in Sri Aman is timely considering the state of Sarawak is currently embarking on digital economy to further propel its economy growth. In order for digital economy to be implemented successfully, the telecommunication infrastructure to support high-speed internet connectivity needs to be made available with the latest fiber optic technology. The network has to be extensive throughout the state not only covering the urban areas but also the sub-urban and rural areas. This is to ensure that the rural communities are not left behind in experiencing the high-speed internet hence reducing the digital gap with their urban counterparts.” Besides the existing unifi LITE, ADVANCE and PRO plans with speeds of 100Mbps, TM is currently offering unifi edu and unifi ebiz packages specifically for students and e-entrepreneurs. The unifi edu package offers broadband access that comes with unifi wifi at an attractive price to support the development of youth and IPT students with access, which they can utilise to further improve their academic performance, wherever they are at their convenience. Meanwhile, in addressing the needs of key economic drivers such as technopreneurs, as well as to support the local SMEs and start-ups, unifi ebiz pack was introduced with the addition of ICT solution add-ons such as Instaweb, a helpful tool that enables self-built business websites and analytical capabilities to help boost their online businesses.  For unifi customers who wish to remain connected even when outside their home, TM has recently launched ‘i-foundit!’ app where customers can access unifi wifi at over 7,300 unifi wifi hotspots (and growing!) nationwide. The 'i-foundit!' app can be downloaded via Google Play Store or Apple App Store for free.  For more information on how TM can make your life and business easier, visit www.tm.com.my .

16 Oct 2018
TM in ongoing discussions with government to address issues faced by Streamyx customers

​Following its statement issued on 21 September 2018, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), the nation’s pioneer broadband provider and now convergence champion, today reiterated its commitment to enhance the broadband experience of Streamyx customers; and shared that discussions with the Government and the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia are underway to effectively address issues faced by Streamyx customers. TM would like to reassure its 2.3 million broadband customers and all its stakeholders that TM plays an active part in the dialogue, debate and conversations that are ongoing in the industry towards building a more balanced and inclusive digital nation. This is in line with TM’s vision to deliver high speed broadband with a wider nationwide coverage to all Malaysians. TM has been continuously investing in its infrastructure over the years, to provide connectivity and also in order to elevate the experience of both its unifi and Streamyx customers, concurrently. The primary focus is in expanding Malaysia’s high speed broadband coverage. The copper network which is a legacy network, faces many challenges, mainly technological limitations. This is more pronounced for Streamyx customers, whereby the copper network is only able to deliver speeds up to 8Mbps.This requires a longer term and more permanent solution, which will take time to implement and has heavy financial implications. TM looks forward to a collaborative win-win approach with the Government to effectively address the challenges faced by Streamyx customers, once and for all. In order to do this, TM looks to accelerate discussions with the Ministry and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to explore specific funding options, various fit-for-purpose technologies as well as optimising existing industry mechanisms in order to deliver a better broadband experience nationwide. TM also shared a further update on the progress made with respect to the ongoing upgrade exercise for its Streamyx customers. To date, TM has successfully upgraded nearly 50% of over 340,000 Streamyx customers residing in unifi coverage areas to unifi; at the same price of their current plan. The rest of the 170,000 Streamyx customers who have yet to grab this opportunity for the free upgrade are encouraged to do so. TM aims to complete this unifi upgrade exercise by March 2019. For Streamyx customers who are currently residing in non-unifi areas, TM is committed to continuously invest in the best fit for purpose technologies to bring high speed broadband to them. Meanwhile, where technology permits, TM is doubling the Streamyx speed at the same price of their current broadband plan. Close to 180,000 of those in non-unifi areas can look forward to receiving this free speed upgrade. TM aims to complete this speed upgrade exercise by December 2018. Streamyx customers who are eligible for the speed upgrade will continue to be contacted via email and phone. TM urges customers to update their latest contact details i.e., telephone number and email address to facilitate this process. This can be done both via the unifi portal and unifi care app. However, in order to address the remaining 500,000 Streamyx customers, TM is calling for the discussions with the Government to quickly reach a mutually beneficial outcome for these customers. TM remains steadfast in its purpose to make life easier for a better Malaysia. In working towards a more definitive solution for an improved broadband experience and a more enhanced digital lifestyle for all its customers, TM would like to acknowledge their trust and loyalty; and values their continued patience and understanding.


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