27 May 2021

TM turns in solid 1Q2021 performance; strong start to transformation programme

TM turns in solid 1Q2021 performance; strong start to transformation programme Article Header

The Group posted revenue of RM2.81 billion, 9.9% higher from RM2.56 billion in 1Q2020.

A Solid 1Q2021 Performance

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today reported its financial results for the first quarter ended 31 March 2021. The Group's revenue increased by 9.9% to RM2.81 billion compared to RM2.56 billion in the same quarter last year with an increase in revenue across all business lines – unifi, TM ONE and TM WHOLESALE.

Ongoing cost improvement initiatives continued to show results with total operating cost ratios (% cost to revenue) improving from 88.1% last year to 79.7%, supporting both revenue growth whilst optimising cost efficiency across direct costs, manpower, other operating costs and depreciation and amortisation.

Group EBIT for 1Q2021 rose by 80.8% YoY from RM326.1 million in 1Q2020 to RM589.7 million, on the back of higher revenue and better operating costs efficiency. This subsequently led to a strong 113.4% YoY growth in Group PATAMI from RM152.5 million last year to RM325.5 million.

In 1Q2021, the Company invested 8.8% of revenue in capex amounting to RM247.0 million as it continued to modernise its network and technology platforms towards delivering current and future solutions for customers. Of the amount invested, 69% was for network access including JENDELA (fibre broadband expansion), 12% for core network, and the balance 19% for support systems.

TM expects to meet the 2021 market guidance announced in February with revenue growth to be flat or single digit growth, EBIT to be more than RM1.6 billion and CAPEX guidance to be between 14% to 18% of revenue.

1Q2021 Business Highlights: A Strong Start to the New TM Transformation Programme

The 'New TM' Transformation Programme (2021-2023), anchored on 40+ Value Programmes focusing on customer experience, revenue, cost efficiency and a future proof organisation, has seen a strong start with quarterly growth across all lines of business and improved operations.

unifi maintains its strong momentum and convergence leadership with 11.9% YoY growth in fixed broadband customers to 2.44 million, with the highest ever quarterly fixed broadband customers net additions of 110k, driven by growth of unifi customer base. Whilst the MCO since 2020 has increased demand for fixed broadband, unifi has successfully converted this demand with its compelling unifi convergence proposition under the #unifiyourworld campaign, providing the best customer value for broadband, mobile and content via unifi Plus Box.

This growth was also supported by the higher number of ports deployed and wider fiber network roll-out under the JENDELA programme, which TM surpassed its 1Q targets achieving 141% of its commitment. TM is also expanding the pool of network contractors to increase the capacity of its fiber expansion programme in the coming quarters.

unifi also focused on continuously improving customer experience and accelerated its Streamyx migration programme in Q1 2021 to enable more customers enjoy higher speed broadband. WiFi optimisation is also an important part of getting the best internet experience, hence unifi also continues to promote the take up of Mesh WiFi to its new and existing customers. Meanwhile, its IT systems are also undergoing enhancements to provide better customer experience and cost optimisation via simplification and consolidation of platforms. Notably, unifi rolled out a new order management system that reduces order processing time by more than 60%, to improve customer experience across its sales touchpoints.

TM ONE continues to enable the digital transformation journey of enterprise and public sector customers with a comprehensive suite of connectivity, data centre, Cloud, cybersecurity and smart solutions. After cautious spending in 2020, customers are now accelerating their digitalisation, and this has translated into new sales and contract renewals to provide comprehensive digital solutions, especially in key verticals such as oil and gas, the banking and financial services industry (BFSI) as well as from higher broadcast, ICT and customer projects.

There is also greater traction seen for Cloud services from the Enterprise segment; whilst discussions are ongoing to support public sector data migration, as the Government's sole local Cloud Service Provider (CSP) under the MyDIGITAL blueprint.

TM WHOLESALE is the preferred network infrastructure provider supporting the technology industry and is positioning Malaysia as a digital hub with strong demand from domestic and international telco and technology operators; including hyperscalers.

On the home front, TM as the leading infrastructure partner for High Speed Broadband wholesale services, leveraged its superior network nationwide to support the industry's broadband growth. It is also the primary mobile backhaul infrastructure provider for the industry, which saw growth in coverage and capacity through dynamic offerings of these services. TM also recorded growth in terms of its Wholesale Data Services.

Towards establishing Malaysia as an ASEAN digital hub, TM strengthened its partnership ecosystem with international carriers and hyperscalers registering higher revenue for International Data Services as compared to last year. TM expanded its portfolio of data centre customers with more major Asian and US hyperscalers co-locating at the nation's only Tier III twin core data centres at Iskandar Puteri (IPDC) and Klang Valley (KVDC). Its wholesale Content Delivery Network (CDN) services also expanded its digital media delivery network ecosystem with more new customers in 1Q2021.

TM remains committed to sustainable growth, with continued emphasis on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), maintaining its strong track record as one of the 75 Bursa companies on the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index, with the full rating of 4/4.

  • Environment: TM complies with the Environmental Quality Act 1974, and has reduced its annual carbon emissions by 13%; integrating sustainable practices in all areas of operations.
  • Social: TM ensures the safety and health of customers and Warga TM with special working arrangements implemented and enhanced Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) towards business and customer service continuity. TM also supports the nation and communities in need through connectivity initiatives such as Jaringan Prihatin, CERDIK, MYBAIKHATI and other humanitarian aid.
  • Governance: Committed to uncompromising integrity, TM continuously assesses the Group's corruption risk and ensures its corruption mitigation practices are independently certified.

Imri Mokhtar, Managing Director & Group Chief Executive Officer commented:

"We began 2021 with a positive momentum and a strong start to our 'New TM' 2021-2023 Transformation Programme. We are pleased to report a solid year-on-year performance despite these unprecedented times. We delivered good growth with our revenue up 9.9% YoY to RM2.81 billion, contributed by strong demand from our unifi, TM ONE and TM WHOLESALE customers. Coupled with our continuous cost efficiency initiatives, EBIT significantly improved 80.8% YoY to RM589.7 million and PATAMI doubled to RM325.5 million as compared to the first quarter of 2020.

Under the 40+ Value Programmes, TM is reshaping our workforce into a stronger execution engine, embracing a more agile work culture with future-ready skills; focused on growing with our customers towards a more digital society, businesses, public sector services and technology industry.

TM reiterates our leading role in accelerating Digital Malaysia through digital connectivity, digital infrastructure and a digital workforce. As an essential enabler, we are ready to play a leading role in the execution of both, the JENDELA implementation plan and the realisation of the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint (MyDIGITAL); leveraging on our comprehensive connectivity, digital infrastructure and innovative solutions.

We are also committed towards sustainable growth, with increased emphasis on ESG by our Board and management. We remain focused on our ESG sustainability journey. I am pleased to update that we maintained our track record as one of the 75 Bursa companies on the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index, with a full rating of 4/4.

With this encouraging set of overall results, we are on track to meet our 2021 market guidance and look forward to delivering greater customer experience and shareholder value with our New TM Transformation Programme."


01 Nov 2022
TM launches first phase of 5G services for unifi mobile customers and businesses

Strengthening Unifi’s fixed-mobile convergence offering, TM aims to deliver seamless 5G transition and spur Malaysia’s 5G adoption and digital capabilities ​Telekom Malaysia Berhad (“TM” or “the Group”) is uniquely positioned to accelerate Malaysia’s 5G adoption, as the Group leverages its convergence leadership in delivering seamless fixed and mobile services to customers and businesses. Following the signing of DNB’s Access Agreement on 30 October 2022, TM launched the first phase of its 5G services today, offering unlimited 5G data to existing Unifi Mobile Postpaid customers, as well as new Postpaid and Prepaid customers. “DNB’s Access Agreement provides a level playing field for telcos to access the single 5G network equally, to deliver a wider range of innovative services,” said Imri Mokhtar, TM’s Group CEO. “Leveraging this equal entry into 5G plus our current suite of connectivity and digital solutions, TM will be better placed to drive innovation and digital transformation at a national level, aligning with key digital programmes such as JENDELA and MyDigital to competitively position Malaysia as a technology hub.”   “5G will reinforce TM’s leadership in fixed-mobile converged services for our consumer and MSME segments, strengthening our mobile capabilities to provide the widest and fastest all-in-one solution for fixed broadband, mobile service and digital content that meets today’s digital lifestyles and workstyles,” Imri added. Acknowledging that one of the critical factors in 5G adoption is the willingness of customers to purchase new 5G-enabled devices, Unifi Mobile will also offer bundled 5G service-and-device plans, catering to a range of price points to ensure customer affordability from all backgrounds. With 5G currently covering more than 33% of populated areas throughout Malaysia, this first phase is key to grow TM’s reach and presents the opportunity for a new push in Unifi’s convergence play, riding on its strength of 3 million households and close to 400,000 MSME customers. 5G will also strengthen Unifi’s proposition as a preferred digital partner for MSMEs, to provide complete one-stop services to accelerate their business growth. Additionally, via TM One, its enterprise and Government sector arm, TM recently launched its 5G Sphere, a circle of leading technology and smart solution partners to form an ecosystem that will accelerate the co-creation of 5G innovative use-cases, taking enterprise 5G transformation from ideation to realisation. To date, there are 39 partners in this programme. TM’s nation-building efforts with the Government will also speed-up the availability of smart city, smart industry and 5G-enabled applications, creating a more sustainable and inclusive digital society and economy. Simultaneously, TM continues to modernise the country’s fibre network architecture, integrating automation and virtualisation technologies to boost back-end infrastructures that will support the anticipated demand for 5G services and capabilities. Ahead of this commercial launch, TM took strides to ramp up its 5G capabilities to grow its mobile and fixed-mobile convergence position, having recently appointed a seasoned industry leader, Jasmine Lee, as its Executive Vice President, Mobile and Chief Executive Officer of webe, as well as onboarding senior mobile talents to strengthen its innovation and competitiveness. “As we transform to become a human-centred TechCo, TM’s 5G commitment goes beyond connectivity to enabling our interconnected society reshape the way we live and work. We recognise the value that this next-gen technology will bring to communities, businesses and the Government, and will continue to explore new ways to make 5G and digital progress accessible to all,” Imri concluded.

27 Dec 2022
Nurturing future digital leaders through YTM Future Skills Champion Schools

Enhances its adopted schools programme to be more holistic by embedding digital technology and leadership skills ​TM, through Yayasan TM (YTM), recognises the need to equip the next generation with the digital and technology skills required for Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). In view of this, in 2014, YTM began its Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) oriented programmes, such as robotics, 3D modelling, coding, and big data analytics, to promote those subjects amongst students and education communities at schools nationwide. In 2020, the modules were conslidated into TM Future Skills (TMFS) programme, with the aim of making it more comprehensive and beneficial to the intended participants. The programme was tailored to the syllabus outlined by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and covered the nine (9) pillars of the IR4.0. It has been receiving positive feedback from the teachers and students involved and more schools have requested to be part of the programme. Supporting MOE’s aspiration for digital education transformation, YTM continues to spread the positive impact of TMFS in a more structured approach. Towards this end, the foundation has embarked on TM Future Skills Champion School (TMFS School) initiative, as a continuation of the TM School Adoption Programme with enhanced contents. TMFS Schools foster future digital skills by embracing digital technology in its classroom activities where leadership, design thinking and cognitive abilities were emphasised to prepare the students for future employment. SMK Gunung Semanggol (SMKGS) in Perak, with more than 90% of its students from B40 families, was selected as the first TMFS School, aligned with YTM’s aspiration to assist B40 students in rural areas. To further facilitate the initiative, YTM is establishing TMFS Digital Hub at TMFS Schools where the schools will be equipped with a PocketLab, robotics set, 3D printer, smart TV, desktop, and digital learning content to gain more interest from its students as well as the neighbouring schools. "SMK Gunung Semanggol was identified based on its active involvement in various STEM initiatives, including previous TMFS programmes. The school also has passionate and dedicated teachers, where they adopt integrated and innovative approach for more in-depth understanding of the modules among the students. With such exposure and capabilities, we are confident that SMK Gunung Semanggol is able to play the role as a hub to spread the digital technology knowledge to more students and teachers including at the five (5) neighbouring schools, and approximately over 20 secondary schools in the Kerian district," said Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM, during the launching ceremony of TMFS School in November 2022. Throughout this three-year programme, YTM, together with its strategic partner, Creative Minds, will work with Multimedia University (MMU), Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM), TM Perak, and other YTM's partners to design and deliver engaging programmes providing the tools and support for students in rural schools to flourish. "We are also happy to see that SMK Gunung Semanggol promotes the development of other skills, such as urban farming and entrepreneurship, to empower the local communities sustainably. So as we continue to identify more potential schools in more states of Malaysia, we hope this programme will unearth more talented students towards building a competitive and sustainable community in the future," she added. Salmah Iman, the Principal of SMK Gunung Semanggol, expressed her enthusiasm, "We feel honoured and privileged to be chosen as the first TMFS School in the Northern Zone and Malaysia. We are excited and look forward to share the positive impact of this programme with the nearby schools. As we are committed to ensuring that this programme achieves its goals, we are also confident that YTM's support and assistance will help these students be prepared for future employment and enhance their standard of living." At the event, Bakri Arsad, Chief Assistant Director of Mathematics and Science, Learning Sector, Perak State Education Department, said, "We welcome such initiatives through collaboration with the private sector, especially for rural schools that need exposure to digital technology. These programmes will inspire students to explore their potential beyond academics and increase the number of students choosing STEM-related fields." During the launch, guests had the opportunity to visit the Pusat Sumber Sekolah Pendeta Za'aba and experience content and materials created by the students based on specific themes including unique handicrafts and martial arts performances. Guests toured the school's urban farm, where they sampled delicious cuisine prepared by students from the special education class using produce from the farm. SMK Gunung Semanggol provided a wonderful ambience of positive vibes that attract students' engagement and boosted their creativity.   To date, STEM-related programmes by YTM, including TMFS, have benefited over 15,000 students and teachers from over 500 schools across the country. With the support and assistance of various interested partners, we hope this initiative will spark students' interest in pursuing their tertiary studies in technology and digital fields and equip the young generation with future-proof skills relevant to the future workforce.

03 Jul 2023
TM Wins Big at PC.Com Awards 2023

TM continued to solidify its position as Malaysia’s most trusted converged telco and technology company, when it was recognised with four (4) main awards at PC.com Awards 2023 held recently, including CEO of the Year award, won by its Group Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Imri Mokhtar, making the night a special and memorable one for the Company.   The other three (3) awards included “Best Fixed Broadband Service Provider” by Unifi, Unifi Business secured “Best Business Fixed Broadband Service Provider” and “Best Enterprise Telco” went to TM One.   Present to receive the awards on behalf of TM were Shazurawati Abd Karim, Executive Vice President, TM One; Anand Vijayan, Executive Vice President, Unifi; and Ts. Mohamad Yusman Ammeran, Head of SME, Unifi Business, along with the CEO of the Year award winner Datuk Imri Mokhtar.   When accepting the CEO of the Year award, Datuk Imri said: “I am receiving this award on behalf of our 19,000 strong Warga TM nationwide. This award truly belongs to all Warga TM. Your camaraderie and your commitment is an inspiration to me and to everyone.   “I would like to extend our utmost appreciation to all our customers - our home, SME and enterprise customers - for your trust in TM to serve your needs. A special appreciation also goes to our delivery ecosystem, including our partners. Without all of you, we couldn't have achieved what we have achieved, and we couldn’t overcome the obstacles that we had overcome. So once again, thank you very much to everyone.” He further thanked PC.com for the accolade and acknowledgement.   “Voted as the winner in three categories under Telecommunication and Network, reflected our position as the top performer and the preferred choice among the industry players. We deeply appreciate the unwavering support, trust, and loyalty from our customers; these have been the cornerstone of our success bringing us this far. We will continue to innovate and humanise technologies, so we can deliver more interesting and comprehensive offerings in home, mobile and entertainment services to serve the needs of Malaysians, towards shaping a Digital Malaysia,” concluded Datuk Imri commenting on the wins.


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