31 May 2022

Innovating Malaysia's healthcare through 5G and digital solutions

Innovating Malaysia's healthcare through 5G and digital solutions Article Header
TM One

TM One’s 5G and digital infrastructure reflects its commitment to enable smart hospitals and remote care capabilities

​TM One, the enterprise and public sector business solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) recently previewed the innovative future of Malaysia’s healthcare sector, powered by 5G technology and digital solutions.

Collaborating with Siemens Healthineers Malaysia, TM One shared its vision at the inaugural 5G in Healthcare Symposium, organised by the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia (APHM), where they showcased next-level innovations for the healthcare system, made possible by 5G connectivity.

This gathering of healthcare providers highlighted the multiple benefits gained from digital transformation in the sector, including enhanced patient care and operational efficiencies, among others. The digitalisation of this essential sector has also proven to be particularly timely and effective in delivering health care during and post pandemic.

Shazurawati Abd Karim, Executive Vice President of TM One explained the significance of 5G to Malaysian healthcare, stating that: “5G will positively impact the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), and enable life-saving medical innovations that reflect the needs of a post pandemic society. This includes remote medical learning and remote patient monitoring, among others. Together with our partners, which includes global technology companies as well as leading local companies, we are primed and ready to help Malaysia’s private hospitals co-create solutions that will save lives and bring value to their stakeholders.”

“Aside from real-time speed and breakthrough connectivity, today’s digital healthcare ecosystems depend on robust and secure infrastructure essentials. Collecting and sharing of digital patient records and hospital data requires world-class data security to mitigate cyber threats and to comply with stringent regulatory requirements. TM One’s services can be integrated with private 5G networks and offers enhanced data protection and encryption to safeguard both patients and hospitals. This will encourage patients towards adopting digital healthcare services, potentially enabling them to seek treatment earlier and save lives,” she said.

Amongst the technologies demonstrated was VRAR (virtual reality/augmented reality) using a Microsoft HoloLens device, which utilises mixed-reality experiences with 3D data processing, analytics, visualisation, and simulation applications. This technology aims to humanise the diagnosis and treatment identification process and will improve the productivity of healthcare personnel by accelerating their time-to-diagnosis, surgical accuracy and reduce time-to-care which will result in improving overall patient experience.  

TM One also showcased a virtual medical consultation solution powered by REMEDi, a digital healthcare technology developer. Through high-speed, low-latency 5G, the solution will provide enhanced video images and sound quality for safer diagnosis of patients and effective troubleshooting. In addition, this solution can be conveniently deployed anywhere, matching the current shift towards online examinations and telemedicine.  

Speaking about the event, Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh, President of APHM said, “The 5G in Healthcare Symposium was a great platform for our partners, TM One and Siemens Healthineers to demonstrate the future of Malaysia’s private healthcare, providing a guide on how to transform hospitals by leveraging 5G. This sharing was truly valuable to the symposium participants.”

“Having these esteemed digital leaders provided a clearer idea to the industry of how they can transform their institutions. We are both excited by the potential offered by 5G technology and confident of the expert support offered by our partners as the industry continues its digital transformation journey in delivering superior healthcare service to our patients,” he enthused.

Rod Frazer, Managing Director of Siemens Healthineers in Malaysia commented, "The opportunity to aggregate healthcare data and leverage this to support the day-to-day decisions of patients and clinicians is the game changer in healthcare delivery and cost effectiveness. To shape this future, it is vital not only to work on ideas that will change the way we think about the healthcare sector in the long term but also to identify current developments such as 5G connectivity, which has the potential to transform the market. Siemens Healthineers is excited to collaborate on this initiative with APHM and TM One to facilitate such discussions in the country.”

TM One’s suite of robust and secured digital infrastructure solutions enable organisations to harness the power of AI and IR 4.0 to take their transformation forward. TM’s recent partnership with Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) to provide extensive fibre coverage for DNB’s 5G network emphasises its commitment to provide 5G infrastructure to support the digital aspiration of all Malaysians, including the digitalisation the nation’s private healthcare industry to support the vitality and wellbeing of the rakyat.  

For more details about TM One Healthcare solutions, visit www.tmone.com.my/industry/healthcare/


03 Jul 2023
TM Wins Big at PC.Com Awards 2023

TM continued to solidify its position as Malaysia’s most trusted converged telco and technology company, when it was recognised with four (4) main awards at PC.com Awards 2023 held recently, including CEO of the Year award, won by its Group Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Imri Mokhtar, making the night a special and memorable one for the Company.   The other three (3) awards included “Best Fixed Broadband Service Provider” by Unifi, Unifi Business secured “Best Business Fixed Broadband Service Provider” and “Best Enterprise Telco” went to TM One.   Present to receive the awards on behalf of TM were Shazurawati Abd Karim, Executive Vice President, TM One; Anand Vijayan, Executive Vice President, Unifi; and Ts. Mohamad Yusman Ammeran, Head of SME, Unifi Business, along with the CEO of the Year award winner Datuk Imri Mokhtar.   When accepting the CEO of the Year award, Datuk Imri said: “I am receiving this award on behalf of our 19,000 strong Warga TM nationwide. This award truly belongs to all Warga TM. Your camaraderie and your commitment is an inspiration to me and to everyone.   “I would like to extend our utmost appreciation to all our customers - our home, SME and enterprise customers - for your trust in TM to serve your needs. A special appreciation also goes to our delivery ecosystem, including our partners. Without all of you, we couldn't have achieved what we have achieved, and we couldn’t overcome the obstacles that we had overcome. So once again, thank you very much to everyone.” He further thanked PC.com for the accolade and acknowledgement.   “Voted as the winner in three categories under Telecommunication and Network, reflected our position as the top performer and the preferred choice among the industry players. We deeply appreciate the unwavering support, trust, and loyalty from our customers; these have been the cornerstone of our success bringing us this far. We will continue to innovate and humanise technologies, so we can deliver more interesting and comprehensive offerings in home, mobile and entertainment services to serve the needs of Malaysians, towards shaping a Digital Malaysia,” concluded Datuk Imri commenting on the wins.

03 Feb 2023
Enabling greater digital inclusivity for Malaysians through Pakej Perpaduan Jalur Lebar Tetap

Following Minister of Communications and Digital, YB Fahmi Fadzil’s announcement on the Pakej Perpaduan Jalur Lebar Tetap (Fixed Internet Broadband) yesterday, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) is committed to support the Government’s aim to bring hyperconnectivity to key target communities.   Focusing on segments most in need particularly B40, the elderly, OKU, army-police veterans, the delivery of Pakej Perpaduan Jalur Lebar Tetap aligns with TM’s aspiration to empower a Digital Malaysia and meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly to promote inclusive and sustainable digital industrialization and innovation (Goal 9), as well as to reduce inequalities and empower social and economic inclusion for all (Goal 10). As a responsible corporate organisation, TM has a social accountability to making a positive impact for the community. Furthermore, the initiative will strengthen the nation’s digital inclusivity and bring digital access and opportunities to all layers of society.   “Pakej Perpaduan comes at a crucial point of the nation’s recovery and complements other national initiatives such as Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah and Payung Rahmah to ensure a better quality of life for these communities. This serves as another means to combat the rising cost of living and keeps us on track to building Malaysia’s digital economy, despite the challenges anticipated,” said Dato’ Imri Mokhtar, TM’s Group Chief Executive Officer.   “Bringing the power of the internet to underprivileged individuals and families facilitates their right to resources and knowledge online, gives them the opportunity to leverage on digital platform to run online business and can serve as a critical stepping stone for them to improve their lives.   “While the Pakej Perpaduan Jalur Lebar Tetap enables more affordable, unlimited fixed broadband and brings savings of RM480 to every eligible household, this complements the announced Pakej Perpaduan Prabayar Mudah Alih (prepaid mobile) in bringing ubiquitous connectivity for the key target individuals and household members. Both of these services will be offered through Unifi Home and Unifi Mobile respectively.   This also reinforces TM’s Fixed-Mobile Convergence leadership, offering integrated fixed broadband, mobile services, data services, digital content and innovative solutions to every Malaysian, businesses and the Government”, he further added.   Gearing up for the March 2023 start and availability for sign up until December 2023, TM will be working closely with the Ministry of Communication and Digital to fine tune the package details and rollout, ensuring the initiative effectively reaches its target communities.   Dato’ Imri concluded, “We are committed to be working on this initiative as it goes beyond providing services but speaks to our vision of becoming a human-centered TechCo – leveraging technologies to provide equal opportunities for every Malaysian. While we have continued to invest in our commercial growth and sustainability as a PLC, as the nation’s leading fibre provider and a GLC, we are uniquely positioned to serve the nation’s interest more directly and to bring greater impact to even more diverse communities.”

16 Jan 2022
Statement for Enquiries on unifi Mobile 5G

​We have received enquiries on when 5G will be available to our unifi Mobile customers. We would like to thank everyone for their excitement and support as we welcome this new era of unifi Mobile. Our goal is to provide unifi Mobile customers the best 5G experience we can offer. As such, we are currently doing extensive internal testing on our 5G service. At this point of time, we are unable to provide the actual date for customer trials. Watch this space for the latest updates on unifi Mobile 5G!


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