Baru-baru ini, Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, YB Gobind Singh Deo ada men gutarakan beberapa isu yang dihadapi pelanggan kami. Kami ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk memberi penjelasan tentang perkara-perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh YB menteri dan juga kepada pelanggan yang kami dihargai.
Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada YBM Gobind kerana mengetengahkan isu yang dihadapi oleh para pelanggan kami. Kami di TM sentiasa prihatin dalam mendengar maklum balas daripada para pelanggan kami, serta pihak-pihak berkepentingan dan kami telahpun memberikan kenyataan secara individu di media sosial serta menerusi beberapa kenyataan media; yang terkini pada 16 Oktober ( di mana kami telah menyatakan butiran perancangan kami dan perkembangannya.
Kami juga sentiasa berhubung dengan para pelanggan Streamyx kami melalui e-mel, panggilan dan SMS untuk memaklumkan mengenai naik taraf percuma terutamanya bagi para pelanggan Streamyx di kawasan unifi, dan bagi yang berada di luar kawasan liputan unifi naik taraf sehingga 8Mpbs atau penyelesaian jalur lebar tanpa wayar 4G LTE.
Kami juga telah menjelaskan berkenaan kekangan rangkaian tembaga dan sentiasa mengadakan perbincangan dengan pihak kerajaan, kementerian, pengawal selia dan pihak berkepentingan lain mengenai cara menangani isu-isu legasi rangkaian tembaga yang dialami oleh pelanggan Streamyx.
TM menghargai kesabaran semua pelanggan kami berkenaan isu ini memandangkan perkara ini memerlukan penyelesaian jangka panjang dan mempunyai implikasi yang perlu diselesaikan di peringkat industri dan nasional.
Akhir sekali, kami akan terus memastikan bahawa pelanggan dan pihak-pihak berkepentingan sentiasa dimaklumkan dari masa ke semasa tentang perkembangan usaha-usaha kami sama ada menerusi media sosial, media dan interaksi secara peribadi.
Recently, YB Gobind Singh Deo, the Minister of Communication and Multimedia, has highlighted a number of issues faced by our customers. We would like to take the opportunity to clarify on the matters raised by YB minister and to also respond to our valued customers.
We would like to thank YBM Gobind for always bringing the issues faced by our valued customers to our attention. Rest assured TM is always listening to our customers and to our stakeholders and have been responding both individually on social media as well as via several media statements, the latest being 16th Oct ( where details of our plans and progress were provided.
We have continuously been in touch with our streamyx customers also via EDMs, calls and SMS messages to inform them of the free upgrades especially of Streamyx customers in unifi areas and for those not in unifi areas, upgrades up to 8mpbs or wireless broadband LTE 4G solutions.
We have also explained on the limitations of the current copper network and in this respect have been in ongoing engagement with government, ministry, regulator and other stakeholders on how to solve the legacy copper issues affecting Streamyx customers together.
TM appreciates the patience and understanding of all our customers as some of these issues need a longer term solution and have implications that need to be solved at an industry and national level.
Lastly we will continue to ensure that customers and stakeholders are informed of the progress being made on a regular basis whether on social media, media and via direct engagements.
Minister of Communications and Multimedia pays a visit to the heart of the Nation’s Network Operations
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) was greatly honoured to receive an official visit by the Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia, YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo to TM Network Operation Centre (NOC) in Cyberjaya earlier today. The Minister and his delegates were welcomed by Rosli Man, Chairman of TM, Imri Mokhtar, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer, TM as well as TM Board members and TM senior management. Commenting on the visit, Rosli said, “TM is indeed honoured to have YB Tuan Gobind and his delegates from the Ministry with us here. This engagement, which marks the Minister’s inaugural visit to a TM’s premise, is particularly meaningful as this is the heart of the nation’s network operations. It allows us to enlighten him on TM’s pivotal roles towards delivering seamless connectivity to all Malaysians. It also provides YB Tuan Gobind with an opportunity to engage and interact with our network team members, particularly at this NOC who are the backbone of our network operations. We look forward to welcoming him back to our headquarters in Menara TM for an engagement session with our Warga TM soon.” As part of the visit, besides a briefing session on TM’s overall operations and its strategic roles in fulfilling the communications needs of Malaysians nationwide across all customer segments, the Minister was also taken for a tour around the TM NOC premise to enlighten him and his delegates on the network monitoring systems. It is hoped that this maiden engagement session will pave the way for more continuous collaborations between TM and the Ministry as well as the MCMC towards supporting the development of Malaysia’s digital economy. YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo, Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (left) signing the guestbook, marking his inaugural visit to TM Network Operations Centre while Rosli Man, Chairman of TM (centre) and Imri Mokhtar, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer, TM (right) look on. YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo, Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia and his delegates listening to a briefing by Imri Mokhtar, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer, TM. YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo, Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (centre) and his delegates pose for photo together with TM’s Board of Directors and senior management team. YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo, Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia engaging with the staff at TM Network Operations Centre (NOC) during his inaugural visit to the establishment.
Penjelasan tentang perkara yang diketengahkan oleh YB Gobind Singh Deo baru-baru ini / clarification on matters highlighted by YB Gobind Singh Deo recently
PENJELASAN TENTANG PERKARA YANG DIKETENGAHKAN OLEH YB GOBIND SINGH DEO BARU-BARU INI Baru-baru ini, Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, YB Gobind Singh Deo ada men gutarakan beberapa isu yang dihadapi pelanggan kami. Kami ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk memberi penjelasan tentang perkara-perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh YB menteri dan juga kepada pelanggan yang kami dihargai. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada YBM Gobind kerana mengetengahkan isu yang dihadapi oleh para pelanggan kami. Kami di TM sentiasa prihatin dalam mendengar maklum balas daripada para pelanggan kami, serta pihak-pihak berkepentingan dan kami telahpun memberikan kenyataan secara individu di media sosial serta menerusi beberapa kenyataan media; yang terkini pada 16 Oktober ( di mana kami telah menyatakan butiran perancangan kami dan perkembangannya. Kami juga sentiasa berhubung dengan para pelanggan Streamyx kami melalui e-mel, panggilan dan SMS untuk memaklumkan mengenai naik taraf percuma terutamanya bagi para pelanggan Streamyx di kawasan unifi, dan bagi yang berada di luar kawasan liputan unifi naik taraf sehingga 8Mpbs atau penyelesaian jalur lebar tanpa wayar 4G LTE. Kami juga telah menjelaskan berkenaan kekangan rangkaian tembaga dan sentiasa mengadakan perbincangan dengan pihak kerajaan, kementerian, pengawal selia dan pihak berkepentingan lain mengenai cara menangani isu-isu legasi rangkaian tembaga yang dialami oleh pelanggan Streamyx. TM menghargai kesabaran semua pelanggan kami berkenaan isu ini memandangkan perkara ini memerlukan penyelesaian jangka panjang dan mempunyai implikasi yang perlu diselesaikan di peringkat industri dan nasional. Akhir sekali, kami akan terus memastikan bahawa pelanggan dan pihak-pihak berkepentingan sentiasa dimaklumkan dari masa ke semasa tentang perkembangan usaha-usaha kami sama ada menerusi media sosial, media dan interaksi secara peribadi. CLARIFICATION ON MATTERS HIGHLIGHTED BY YB GOBIND SINGH DEO RECENTLY Recently, YB Gobind Singh Deo, the Minister of Communication and Multimedia, has highlighted a number of issues faced by our customers. We would like to take the opportunity to clarify on the matters raised by YB minister and to also respond to our valued customers. We would like to thank YBM Gobind for always bringing the issues faced by our valued customers to our attention. Rest assured TM is always listening to our customers and to our stakeholders and have been responding both individually on social media as well as via several media statements, the latest being 16th Oct ( where details of our plans and progress were provided. We have continuously been in touch with our streamyx customers also via EDMs, calls and SMS messages to inform them of the free upgrades especially of Streamyx customers in unifi areas and for those not in unifi areas, upgrades up to 8mpbs or wireless broadband LTE 4G solutions. We have also explained on the limitations of the current copper network and in this respect have been in ongoing engagement with government, ministry, regulator and other stakeholders on how to solve the legacy copper issues affecting Streamyx customers together. TM appreciates the patience and understanding of all our customers as some of these issues need a longer term solution and have implications that need to be solved at an industry and national level. Lastly we will continue to ensure that customers and stakeholders are informed of the progress being made on a regular basis whether on social media, media and via direct engagements.
TM reiterates commitment to enhance the broadband experience of Streamyx customers
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today reiterated its support of the Government’s aspirations of improving the reach and experience of broadband services in Malaysia, and its commitment to address the issues faced by Streamyx and its loyal customers in a more comprehensive manner. In July, TM announced its upgrade plans for Streamyx (pre-unifi) customers tounifiin coverage areas or double the speed for those in non-coverage areas. The upgrade will enable its existing broadband customers to experience faster speeds at their existing package price. Following the announcement, TM has received many enquiries and much feedback from customers who are eager to know whether they are eligible for the speed upgrade. TM is grateful for the feedback given and is working hard to realise the broadband aspirations. TM has been continuously investing to enhance both its fibre and copper network over the years to deliver high speed broadband with wider nationwide coverage. The copper network is a legacy network and has always faced many challenges, mainly technological limitations. This requires a longer term and more permanent solution, which will take time to implement. Additionally, TM has continuously invested in the rollout of LTE 4G network and WiFi hotspots to complement its fixed network to provision broadband services anywhere, anytime via home@unifi, mobile@unifi and wifi@unifi. TM’s LTE 4G services coverage currently exceeds 77% of the household population in urban and rural areas and together with our partner, complimenting it with 90% 3G services coverage. To enable the convenience of mobility, the Company also enhanced its WiFi coverage and service quality with more than 12,000 hotspots nationwide to date. Through its Broadband Improvement Plan which began in 2016, TM has been working hard to enhance the experience of both unifi and Streamyx customers, concurrently. Understandably, it has been easier to execute the unifi speed upgrades, which are served by fibre. TM is now giving specific focus to Streamyx and high-rise broadband customers served through its own or the buildings’ copper networks. Imri Mokhtar, Executive Vice President of unifi, said: “Over 1 million home and business customers nationwide are today on broadband over TM’s copper network – both on landed and high-rise properties. With rising demand of a more digital lifestyle and business needs, what was before termed as a high speedinternet’, may not cut it anymore. We hear your 1 million voices. We remain committed as Malaysia’s nation building partner to invest and build the needed network that brings value to our customers, shareholders and other key stakeholders and for the country’s digital economy.” “Based on our customer and network analytics, over 340,000 customers reside in a fibre broadband area, but are somehow not yet part of the 1.26 million unifi community. To date, we have successfully upgraded nearly 50% of these customers to unifi at no extra cost to their current bill. We urge remaining customers to grab this opportunity and complete this attractive unifi upgrade exercise by March 2019,” he added. Imri explained: “Starting from 2010, TM has continuously expanded Malaysia’s fibre broadband coverage. Nonetheless, such coverage is yet to reach all of our existing broadband customers. Copper limitation is more pronounced for Streamyx customers, with 8Mbps being the best broadband speed that can be delivered today. We value your trust and sincerely appreciate your loyalty and more so for your patience and understanding. Where technically possible, we shall double the Streamyx speed at no extra cost to your current broadband bill. Close to 180,000 Streamyx customers can look forward to this free upgrade.” Streamyx customers who are eligible for the speed upgrade will be contacted via email and phone. TM urges customers to update their latest contact details i.e., telephone number and email address to facilitate this process. This can be done both via the unifi portal and unifi care app. To address the remaining Streamyx customers, TM is working towards a more definitive solution and has initiated discussions with major stakeholders to deliver better broadband experience nationwide by exploring various fit-for-purpose technologies.