27 Jun 2019

TM collaborates with Huawei to accelerate digital transformation of enterprise and public sectors in Malaysia

TM collaborates with Huawei to accelerate digital transformation of enterprise and public sectors in Malaysia Article Header
TM One

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) through its business solutions arm, TM ONE, recently inked a Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC) with Huawei. This MoC is in pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between TM and Huawei in March 2018 which outlined the various initiatives between the Parties to promote innovation, develop go-to-market strategies, enhance skills and capabilities as well as to improve each other's products and services. As both TM ONE and Huawei intend to play a more proactive developmental role in providing ready infrastructure and ecosystem to support the nation's growth, specifically to further address digital transformation opportunities in the enterprise and public sectors in Malaysia, this collaboration would allow both companies to further accelerate the upcoming digital transformation era amongst Malaysians by leveraging on the combined strengths and capabilities of each other.

The MoC was signed by both companies during the Mobile World Congress (MWC) Shanghai 2019. ​

Commenting on the collaboration, Dato' Noor Kamarul Anuar Nuruddin, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM said, "We are excited to be working hand in hand with a leading global name such as Huawei in a strategic partnership programme aimed at addressing the digital transformation opportunities in the enterprise and public sector in Malaysia. This intended collaboration would strengthen our position as the enabler of Malaysia's Digital aspirations with the deployment of applications and solutions for Malaysian homes, businesses and beyond, as encapsulated by our vision, "Making Life and Business Easier, for a Better Malaysia".

Meanwhile, Tian Feng, the member of Huawei Supervisory Board/Senior Vice President said: "Today collaboration between TM ONE and Huawei is further deepened on the basis of last year strategy partnership MoU, and it will help both companies to advance into the future. This collaboration is based on long-term mutual trust between the two organisations and more importantly, complement technology capabilities and strategy for both parties in the enterprise business market. Huawei is confident that it can leverage its advanced technologies such as cloud computing, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoTs), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to complement TM ONE's venture into the market.

Under the MoC, both parties agreed to jointly promote cooperation through a possible joint account planning and mapping exercise of available opportunities, future joint solutioning as well as joint creation of customer value proposition. The focus will be on enterprise segments such as Energy & Utilities, Oil & Gas, Transportation, Public Sector, Education, Manufacturing, Commercial and/or Real Estate in the areas of, amongst other, Cloud, Network, Storage, High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet-of-Things (IoTs) and Software Defined Network.

"TM has always been at the forefront of each telecommunication technology evolution in the nation. We also have a long and proven track record in nation-building, coupled with the right expertise and experience to catapult Malaysia into a Digital Nation. This collaboration demonstrates our commitment to realise the national agenda," Dato' Noor Kamarul Anuar concluded.


01 Dec 2020
TM One and SME Bank collaborate to deliver technology funding to SMEs under PENJANA

TM One and SME Bank sign agreement to provide technology funding to SMEs via SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF) ​​TM One, the business and public sector solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME Bank), an agency under the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative to offer technology funding for its Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) customers to accelerate their business and digital transformation. ​ The MoU was signed by Ahmad Taufek Omar, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, TM One while SME Bank was represented by Aria Putera Ismail, its Group President/Chief Executive Officer. The SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF), is a fund set up between SME Bank and the Ministry of Finance to offer financing assistance of up to RM3.0 million to local SMEs. This is part of the Government's Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) economic stimulus package to provide financial assistance to SMEs in adopting digitalisation and/or automation in their business operations. Commenting on the collaboration, Ahmad Taufek said, "We are excited to work hand-in-hand with SME Bank to accelerate digital adoption amongst our customers particularly in the SME segment. This is in support of the Government's efforts under PENJANA to execute key initiatives to help SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim is to assist SMEs in addressing real business challenges and issues that they are currently facing with the digital solutions available. We have put in place dedicated teams and solutions to enable our customers to realise the full potential of their digital opportunities. Our Professional Services are a consultative approach in helping SMEs to understand how to plan their digital transformation based on their unique business requirements." Meanwhile, Aria said, "With a fund size of RM500 million, STTF is expected to directly assist SME entrepreneurs to achieve higher productivity, process efficiency, efficient cost management and greater market penetration. As at 11 November 2020, SME Bank has approved 18 applications worth RM36.55 million under the STTF fund. SME Bank's role in encouraging the SMEs to adopt digital technology was further enhanced with the introduction of ODELA, the first one-stop e-commerce platform backed by a Development Financial Institution (DFI), that enabled B2B entrepreneurs to make transactions and foster partnership across vast ecosystems. The Bank's wholesome approach in providing financing and entrepreneur development assistance further adds value and accelerate the development of digital economy thus boosting the nation's economic growth in this challenging time." STTF is to be used for financing the purchases of IT solutions and services, technology support services, computer hardware and software, equipment and/or machinery and other intangible assets to enhance productivity and efficiency. SMEs as defined by the National Entrepreneur and SME Development Council (NESDC) are eligible to apply for STTF. TM One's solutions are aimed at helping SMEs to achieve higher productivity, better cost management and improved efficiency for wider market penetration through the adoption of digitalisation and automation. As the digital enabler for enterprise and public sector customers with enterprise-grade connectivity and end-to-end cloud offerings, the Company is well positioned to enable the ecosystem for digital society, digital business and digital government. Leveraging on its complete digital solutions offerings across connectivity (Internet & Data), voice and collaboration tools, business outsourcing services, cloud services, cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart services, TM One will fulfil the needs of businesses and the public sector in embracing digital convergence towards enabling Digital Malaysia. This is in line with TM Group's unique role as the nation's connectivity and digital infrastructure provider. It is also in support of Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) Plan to drive Malaysia's Digital Economy through business digitalisation and new ways of working. For more information on TM One solutions and how to apply for STTF, visit www.smebank.com.my and www.tmone.com.my.

17 Feb 2021
Bank Islam appoints TM One as digital partner to accelerate its digital transformation

Bank Islam aims to become Malaysia's leading bank for social finance and digital Islamic bank of choice by 2021 TM One's digital solutions and professional services optimises business operations to realise Bank Islam's transformational strategy Comprehensive digital solutions such as data centre and Cloud α (Alpha) services, big data analytics and cyber-security solutions set to enhance Bank Islam's IT infrastructure and Centre for Digital Experience (CDX) digital banking products Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) via its enterprise and public sector business solutions arm, TM One, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (Bank Islam), for the appointment of TM One as the preferred digital partner in realising Bank Islam’s transformational strategy. The MoU was signed by Mohamed Iran Moriff Mohd Shariff, Chief Operating Officer of Bank Islam and Ahmad Taufek Omar, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of TM One. Commenting on the collaboration, Ahmad Taufek said, “We are honoured to be given the opportunity to extend our digital expertise to Bank Islam. We are fully aware that digital transformation, data security and protection are the top priority, especially for the banking sector. This provides the best digital experience to their customers, particularly in these times where digital transactions are increasing exponentially. With this agreement in place, we can provide Bank Islam with the latest and secured digital solutions and infrastructure to support its transformation journey. Solutions such as cloud, cybersecurity and big data analytics will drive Bank Islam’s process optimisation, enabling omni-channel and data monetisation agenda, leading to cost optimisation and productivity uplift.” “At TM One, we aim to take transformation forward for our enterprise and public sector customers, such as Bank Islam in realising their digital aspiration. This befits our role as part of TM Group, as the enabler of Digital Malaysia,” he added. Chief Executive Officer of Bank Islam, Mohd Muazzam Mohamed said, “As Bank Islam is embarking on a new endeavour by becoming Malaysia’s First Public Listed Islamic Bank, we are taking steps in pursuing the latest technological advancements in facilitating the affairs of the institution with our stakeholders. The partnership with Malaysia’s leading integrated telecommunication company such as TM will complement the Bank’s effort to constantly improve our functions and the services we provide to the customers, thus further fulfilling market’s need and expectations. This effort will then catalyse the growth of the Bank and the Islamic banking industry as a whole.” He adds, “We are very excited and look forward to a meaningful partnership with TM, via TM One as digitalisation will enable core infrastructure that will support Bank Islam’s key strategic pillars of Sustainable Prosperity, Value-based Culture, Community Empowerment, Customer Centricity, Real Economy as we move forward.” The collaboration between both parties is aimed at further exploring TM One’s role in becoming the primary digital solutions provider to Bank Islam for digital infrastructures such as data centre and Cloud α (Alpha) services, as well as big data analytics and cyber-security solutions. These solutions will intensify Bank Islam’s IT infrastructure and Centre for Digital Experience (CDX) digital banking products, by allowing new buying experience, away from the traditional banking approach. This partnership combines the strength of both companies that will pave the way to accelerate Bank Islam’s transformational strategy. For further information on TM One, visit www.tmone.com.my​ and for more info on Bank Islam visit www.bankislam.com

03 Oct 2019
OUM and TM One sign Memorandum of Understanding to establish hyperconnected digital ecosystem

TM One Hyperconnected Ecosystem provides end-to-end digital solutions that enable Education 4.0 for Malaysian higher learning institutions ​TM One, the enterprise and public sector business solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), today inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Open University Malaysia (OUM) to establish a digital transformation journey for the university’s campus in Kuala Lumpur. The agreement was signed by Ahmad Taufek Omar, Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer, TM One and Prof. Dato’ Dr Mansor Fadzil, President/Vice-Chancellor, OUM. The MoU is aimed at delivering and implementing four (4) clusters of digital transformation initiatives for OUM encompassing mobile connectivity via unifi Mobile packages for students and administration staff; smart services solution - Smart Campus Management, scalable ICT solutions via TM cloud services; and TM One Collaboration tools for unified communication Solutions for OUM administration and its students. Speaking at the event, Ahmad Taufek said, “This MoU marks the beginning of a synergy between TM One and OUM for more future collaborations. The potential areas may encompass beyond the four clusters to help create greater value for OUM to remain competitive in the education industry. The solutions will enable OUM to optimise its operational costs and improve its energy efficiency. We hope these smart solutions will also encourage more engagement and interactions between the OUM campus community, whilst providing enhanced students’ and visitors’ experience at OUM. Our Hyperconnected Ecosystem offers advanced digital solutions for educational institutions in Malaysia to embark on their digital transformation. As an enabler of Malaysia’s Digital Nation aspirations, TM through TM One, will continue to play an active role in nation building, particularly in the education sector.” Meanwhile, Prof Dato’ Dr Mansor said, “This collaboration will provide many advantages, especially for learners and staff in our 33 Learning Centres nationwide. Because a significant portion of learning takes place online, the unifi MobileTM plans offered at such competitive rates will make it easy for learners to access their course materials, interact with facilitators and peers as well as keep track of their studies via the learning management system, myINSPIRE, without needing to worry about WiFi availability, no matter where they may be.” Through this collaboration, TM One will be offering unifi Mobile corporate package for OUM employees and students at RM59 per month.   For more information on TM One and its products and service offerings, visit www.tmone.com.my​.  


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