11 Oct 2020

Employees of TM at Menara TM One, Damansara and Kepayan, Kota Kinabalu tested positive for Covid-19

Employees of TM at Menara TM One, Damansara and Kepayan, Kota Kinabalu tested positive for Covid-19 Article Header
TM One

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) confirms two (2) positive cases of Covid-19 amongst its employees. One of the affected employees is based at Menara TM One in Damansara, Kuala Lumpur and the other is at its Kepayan office in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Both employees are currently under quarantine and receiving treatment at Government quarantine and medical facilities. TM management and staff are together praying for their speedy recovery.

TM has taken proactive measures to mitigate further spread of the virus and keep our customers, staff and communities safe. At Menara TM One, all occupants were immediately evacuated and the office building closed for seven (7) days to facilitate thorough disinfection and sanitisation in accordance to the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health (MoH).  TM offices in Sabah, Kedah and other Red Zone areas had been closed much earlier as proactive precaution in correspondence to the increasing cases recently.

Following these two new positive cases, detailed contact tracing is being carried out by the MoH, assisted by TM's COVID-19 Crisis Response Team (CRT), to identify and inform those whom had close contact with the affected employees. Identified close contacts are being contacted by MoH for further advice and action.

In ensuring continued services to our customers, TM employees at the affected states and areas have reverted back to Work From Home (WFH) arrangement utilising digital channels and online productivity tools. Meanwhile, critical function employees (contact centre, field teams for service installation and restoration) shall continue working in compliance to Government and TM's added safety protocols and guidelines.

TM would like to remind everyone at all times to keep safe social distance, hygiene and adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as advised by the Government. TM has taken and will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of our customers, employees and community.


20 Dec 2021
TM’s response to the national crisis and assurance to customers, communities and businesses affected

​As a result of the extreme and continuous heavy rainfall since Friday (17 December 2021), some telecommunication services provided by Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) have been impacted. A number of telecommunication equipment particularly in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang were damaged resulting in service disruption in several areas. At the time of reporting, TM’s National Crisis Command Centre is up and running, and we are closely monitoring our network sites. The flash floods and landslides have caused several of our nodes in the three (3) states to be inaccessible due to high water and unsafe conditions. In the meantime, we have had to shut down power supply and network equipment in some areas as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of those in the vicinity and minimise any potential risks. We have mobilised our front-liners and as conditions permit, we are actively pursuing network restoration in the flood-stricken zones to minimise any service interruption, ensuring customers remain connected. Our immediate concern is of 50,000 of our valued customers on unifi, streamyx, fixed line and unifi mobile who are affected, and we are working hard to ensure communication services are being safely re-established. Concurrently, the GLC/GLIC Disaster Recovery Network (GDRN) has been activated to provide welfare aid and support to those affected by this disaster. As a start, a total of RM50 million has been allocated for relief initiatives comprising of a matching grant of RM25 million by the Government, while the GLCs/GLICs will jointly contribute another RM25 million. As part of GDRN, which TM co-leads as the Secretariat together with Yayasan Hasanah from Khazanah Nasional Berhad, we are collaborating with the National Security Council (NSC) through NADMA (“Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara”) and other agencies to assist in furthering other disaster relief assistance. Together with the members of GDRN, we will mobilise rescue and aid efforts to ensure that basic necessities and healthcare can be provided to those in need. The 56th Royal Signals Telekom Army Reserve Regiment (56 Rejimen Semboyan Pakar Telekom Askar Wataniah) which comprises of volunteers from TM has been deployed on the ground to provide assistance and emergency services involving internet and telephone lines nationwide. “Though the situation remains uncertain, I am grateful for the quick action especially on the part of the TM engineering and customer care team for keeping our customers updated and working towards restoring the much-needed connectivity services. As we brace ourselves in anticipation of worsening conditions, we remain hopeful that Malaysians in need will receive the help they require. Our front-liners will be on the ground around the clock to restore services and bring the impacted States back on its feet,” said Imri Mokhtar, Group Chief Executive Officer of TM.

01 Dec 2020
TM One and SME Bank collaborate to deliver technology funding to SMEs under PENJANA

TM One and SME Bank sign agreement to provide technology funding to SMEs via SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF) ​​TM One, the business and public sector solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME Bank), an agency under the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative to offer technology funding for its Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) customers to accelerate their business and digital transformation. ​ The MoU was signed by Ahmad Taufek Omar, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, TM One while SME Bank was represented by Aria Putera Ismail, its Group President/Chief Executive Officer. The SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF), is a fund set up between SME Bank and the Ministry of Finance to offer financing assistance of up to RM3.0 million to local SMEs. This is part of the Government's Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) economic stimulus package to provide financial assistance to SMEs in adopting digitalisation and/or automation in their business operations. Commenting on the collaboration, Ahmad Taufek said, "We are excited to work hand-in-hand with SME Bank to accelerate digital adoption amongst our customers particularly in the SME segment. This is in support of the Government's efforts under PENJANA to execute key initiatives to help SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim is to assist SMEs in addressing real business challenges and issues that they are currently facing with the digital solutions available. We have put in place dedicated teams and solutions to enable our customers to realise the full potential of their digital opportunities. Our Professional Services are a consultative approach in helping SMEs to understand how to plan their digital transformation based on their unique business requirements." Meanwhile, Aria said, "With a fund size of RM500 million, STTF is expected to directly assist SME entrepreneurs to achieve higher productivity, process efficiency, efficient cost management and greater market penetration. As at 11 November 2020, SME Bank has approved 18 applications worth RM36.55 million under the STTF fund. SME Bank's role in encouraging the SMEs to adopt digital technology was further enhanced with the introduction of ODELA, the first one-stop e-commerce platform backed by a Development Financial Institution (DFI), that enabled B2B entrepreneurs to make transactions and foster partnership across vast ecosystems. The Bank's wholesome approach in providing financing and entrepreneur development assistance further adds value and accelerate the development of digital economy thus boosting the nation's economic growth in this challenging time." STTF is to be used for financing the purchases of IT solutions and services, technology support services, computer hardware and software, equipment and/or machinery and other intangible assets to enhance productivity and efficiency. SMEs as defined by the National Entrepreneur and SME Development Council (NESDC) are eligible to apply for STTF. TM One's solutions are aimed at helping SMEs to achieve higher productivity, better cost management and improved efficiency for wider market penetration through the adoption of digitalisation and automation. As the digital enabler for enterprise and public sector customers with enterprise-grade connectivity and end-to-end cloud offerings, the Company is well positioned to enable the ecosystem for digital society, digital business and digital government. Leveraging on its complete digital solutions offerings across connectivity (Internet & Data), voice and collaboration tools, business outsourcing services, cloud services, cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart services, TM One will fulfil the needs of businesses and the public sector in embracing digital convergence towards enabling Digital Malaysia. This is in line with TM Group's unique role as the nation's connectivity and digital infrastructure provider. It is also in support of Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) Plan to drive Malaysia's Digital Economy through business digitalisation and new ways of working. For more information on TM One solutions and how to apply for STTF, visit www.smebank.com.my and www.tmone.com.my.

02 Apr 2018
JASS smart application from TM one set to empower Johor 4.0 initiatives

New digital platform for Bangsa Johor towards achieving the State’s aspiration of ‘Membina Dekad Baharu’ TM ONE, the enterprise and public sector business solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) Group, today officially unveiled Johor Application Solution and Services Hub (JASS) smart application towards realising the State Government’s Johor 4.0 initiatives. The unveiling of the smart application took place at the Johor 4.0: Digitalising Bangsa Johor launch event held at the Indoor Arena, EduCity Sports Complex, Nusajaya, Johor. The launching ceremony of Johor 4.0 and unveiling of JASS was graced by YAB Dato' Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, Chief Minister of Johor. Also present were YB Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Tun Said Keruak, Minister of Communication and Multimedia, Azizi A Hadi, Executive Vice President / Chief Executive Officer, TM ONE and Ahmad Nasri Mohamed, State Vice President, TM Johor. Johor 4.0 is the State Government’s initiative to position Johor as the southern economic powerhouse. It is set to spearhead its digital economy through digitalisation of the State Government and services it offers, as well as the citizens of Johor.  TM, through TM ONE, and Digital Johor Sdn Bhd (DJSB) a State-based company, have collaborated to develop the JASS smart application hub which is set to empower Johor 4.0 initiatives via eight (8) strategic thrusts of Digitalising Bangsa Johor encompassing: • Intelligent Johor – Data Driven Digital Economy • Integrated Intelligent Digital Network & Mobility Infrastructure, • Unified Service Delivery Platform to Rakyat & Tourists, • Trusted & Efficient State Government seen by Private Sector & Rakyat, • Digital Johor Lifestyle – Digital-on-Things (IoT & 4th Industrial Revolution – 4IR), • Digital Johor Halal Hub, • Digital Johor Agropolitan, and • Digital Johor Innovation X-Celerator. Commenting on the latest collaboration, Azizi A Hadi said, “We are indeed very pleased with the introduction of the JASS application hub as a single platform for the citizens of Johor to look for essential applications to support the digital lifestyle. As the only enabler for businesses and public sector to realise full potential of digital opportunities, this collaboration also provides the opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities and expertise to deliver customised and innovative product and services that are well suited for our customer’s journey towards their digital transformation.” With JASS, the communities in Johor will be able to easily access mobile applications that will enhance their lives from a single hub, true to TM’s promise of “Life Made Easier”.  It will serve as a platform to enable a digitalised lifestyle, as well as to accelerate the dissemination of information, new services and initiatives for the rakyat of Johor.  As a start, JASS features five (5) key categories encompassing utilities, local services, federal services, transportation and finance services. Several other categories and features will be added in stages to enable the rakyat of Johor fully embrace a digital lifestyle. “This collaboration does not only reflect TM’s support in making Johor a data-driven state to accelerate its economic growth towards becoming a regional and global business hub. It is also a testament to our commitment, through TM ONE, to empower our clients with customised value-based innovative digital solutions to make Johor a developed state and enrich the lives of Rakyat Johor, in line with our vision of, “Making Life and Business Easier, for a better Malaysia”,” added Azizi. Following the recent announcement of TM as the strategic partner for the nation’s Digital Education Transformation Initiative, Johor 4.0 initiative also includes transforming the landscape of Johor education system and improves the digital experience for students and teachers, in line with Digital Johor Aspiration and National Education Blueprint. To portray its role under the Digital Education Transformation, TM ONE also features a preview on the four (4) pillars of Smart Connectivity, Smart Living, Smart Learning and Smart Community at the event, showcasing the digital experience encompassing high speed broadband connectivity, interactive smartboard, smart devices, as well as the methodology of teaching and learning the 21st century way. For more information on TM ONE and its product offerings, log on to tmone.com.my​.


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