28 Oct 2022

YTM and Istana Negara equips higher risk communities with disaster preparedness

YTM and Istana Negara equips higher risk communities with disaster preparedness Article Header

Facilitates the development of localised Emergency Response Plans

Over the years, Yayasan TM (YTM) has been actively involved in disaster emergency response efforts and lent its helping hand to affected communities in various ways. With many tragic losses of life and property due to natural disasters, it is imperative to help the public better understand the importance of preparedness, the risks involved and build capacities for pre-emptive and early action, including identifying vulnerabilities and potential impact on people and assets.

Through its latest initiative, the YTM-Istana Negara Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Programme (CBDRRM), organised in collaboration with Istana Negara, the programme is aimed at empowering communities especially women and children as well as building community resilience during disasters with the necessary knowledge and skills in disaster preparedness - in alignment to the Government's aspiration to nurture a disaster preparedness culture among Malaysians.

For the inaugural edition of the programme, YTM identified three (3) high risk areas in Kuantan, Maran and Bentong districts in Pahang. This is also a continuation from the support to the local communities post-flood early this year where YTM, together with Istana Negara provided basic necessities, workforce and monetary assistance to citizens in Karak, Ulu Tembeling and Kuantan districts.

“This CBDRRM programme is both important and timely, in view of frequent heavy rain and storms of late. We hope that the local communities will fully utilise the skills and knowledge obtained from the initiative, to be better prepared for in the event of any flood incidents in their respective areas, minimising the impact and ultimately, saving lives,” said Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM. 

“We were delighted to find that these modules were very helpful for them based on their feedback. Meanwhile, we remain on the ready to deploy response and humanitarian aid should the need arise,” she added.

The first one was held in August 2022 for the community in Perumahan Awam Kos Rendah (PAKR) Sungai Pandan, Kuantan, which saw a total of 120 participants attending, while the second was held in Maran in September.

With the support of the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) as well as the TM Reaching Out Volunteers (TMROVers), the programme was conducted by 12 humanitarian experts with vast disaster response experience, including risk and reduction management from Red A Humanitarian Global. The modules highlighted the importance of disaster preparedness, hands-on session to develop localised Emergency Response Plans, water safety and practical swimming, as well as simulation exercises. The participants were also briefed on mental health management and creating children-friendly spaces (CFS) as an added element.

For any emergency response plan to work, active participation from the community becomes crucial. During the programme, the communities were also connected to their local government agencies such as the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (BOMBA), Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), Malaysia Civil Defence Force (APM), Jabatan Pengairan & Saliran (JPS) Negeri Pahang for better disaster response in the future.

The third and final session was organised recently in Bentong in collaboration with Istana Negara and attended by 125 participants. Via the three (3) series of CBDRRM in Pahang, YTM have reached a total of 458 community members and local government agencies; inclusively, empowering 123 female participants and 167 children and teenagers.

This initiative is aligned with our aspiration to build capacity in disaster preparedness among community members, especially women and children, who are considered first responders’ priority when a disaster occurs. YTM will continuously support the community for better disaster preparedness and response through community leadership and self-empowerment.


31 Mar 2022
Yayasan TM, Teach For Malaysia and Enuma, inc. Bring “Sekolah Enuma” digital learning application to young students in malaysia

Offline learning tool a critical resource for parents and teachers in supporting the children especially those from underserved communities with limited access to the internet, computer devices and appropriate learning materials The pandemic and the ensuing movement restrictions have been very disruptive to students, in particular those forced to rely on online lessons but face limited access to the necessary tools and connectivity. To help address these learning challenges faced by over a million Malaysian students aged five (5) to eight (8), Yayasan TM (YTM), the foundation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), is collaborating with Teach For Malaysia, a not-for-profit advocate for education and Enuma, Inc., a global company focused on digital learning programmes, to bring the Enuma School digital learning application to Malaysia. In this collaboration, YTM is sponsoring the field test of the localised version of the app, which will be known as Sekolah Enuma Malaysia, to 600 students in various communities in Sarawak, Sabah and Kuala Lumpur. Enuma School has been commercially successful in the B2C markets in the US, Korea, Japan, China and Indonesia. Its exceptional Kitkit School programme, winner of the prestigious USD15 million Global Learning XPRIZE (2019), has been used in over 50 countries through schools serving children in under-resourced environments. All its learning activities are carefully and meticulously mapped to specific learning objectives and support individualised learning paths depending on the current level of each student, so students can learn by themselves. This platform will greatly complement the current home-based teaching and learning (PdPR).  Sekolah Enuma Malaysia was officially launched in a ceremony by Mohd Najib Ab Rahman, Director of Jabatan Pendidikan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur together with Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM; and Sooinn Lee, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Enuma, Inc. This virtual session was also joined by Chan Soon Seng, Chief Executive Officer of Teach For Malaysia. Commenting on this project, Izlyn Ramli said, "This collaboration is a natural extension of YTM's existing strong support for the education ecosystem especially in promoting digital learning among pre- and primary school students. It is also aligned with Telekom Malaysia Berhad's (TM) aspiration to enable Digital Malaysia while supporting the government's agenda in digital education transformation. This offline, game-based digital application will encourage and ease the learning of Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mathematics in a fun and interactive learning process". The Sekolah Enuma field test began on 28 March 2022, involving 600 students, the majority of whom comes from the B40 communities particularly in Kuala Lumpur, indigenous communities in Sarawak and stateless communities in Sabah. Meanwhile, Chan Soon Seng said that Teach For Malaysia is thrilled to work with YTM and Enuma to address the learning challenges faced by students, including those from underserved communities with limited access to internet, devices and appropriate learning materials. "We hope Sekolah Enuma will significantly help to close the equity gap in learning across all segments of society and increase each student's learning outcomes to meet the Ministry of Education's (MOE) goal for full basic literacy and numeracy by standard three," he added. Learning with the Sekolah Enuma app will facilitate and individualise the learning path for each student through in-app placement tests and check-in quizzes, so students learn at a level and pace that is just right for them. They learn through playing child-friendly games developed by seasoned designers which make learning fun, engaging, and self-directed. The app enables each student to learn independently and be the driver of their own learning journey. The standardised content, developed by global and local education experts, is aligned with the MOE curriculum. Accompanying the app is a web-based Learning Management System (LMS) that allows teachers and administrators to manage and track the performance and progress of the students using the app. "Our app contains thousands of learning activities, dozens of games, hundreds of child-friendly e-books and videos. Many are tailor-made based on Malaysian culture and values. It works on Android tablets and smartphones and does not require an internet connection once the app is downloaded," explained Enuma's Sooinn Lee. "Sekolah Enuma is particularly suitable to be used in remote locations and communities where there is a shortage of trained teachers as well as limited internet connectivity." Corporate partners and foundations keen to support the second phase of Sekolah Enuma, which is expected to be launched in Q4 2022, are encouraged to contact Yayasan TM, Teach For Malaysia, or Enuma, Inc. Schools and communities interested in participating in this next phase are also encouraged to do the same. For more information on Sekolah Enuma, please visit www.sekolahenuma.com

27 Dec 2022
Nurturing future digital leaders through YTM Future Skills Champion Schools

Enhances its adopted schools programme to be more holistic by embedding digital technology and leadership skills ​TM, through Yayasan TM (YTM), recognises the need to equip the next generation with the digital and technology skills required for Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). In view of this, in 2014, YTM began its Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) oriented programmes, such as robotics, 3D modelling, coding, and big data analytics, to promote those subjects amongst students and education communities at schools nationwide. In 2020, the modules were conslidated into TM Future Skills (TMFS) programme, with the aim of making it more comprehensive and beneficial to the intended participants. The programme was tailored to the syllabus outlined by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and covered the nine (9) pillars of the IR4.0. It has been receiving positive feedback from the teachers and students involved and more schools have requested to be part of the programme. Supporting MOE’s aspiration for digital education transformation, YTM continues to spread the positive impact of TMFS in a more structured approach. Towards this end, the foundation has embarked on TM Future Skills Champion School (TMFS School) initiative, as a continuation of the TM School Adoption Programme with enhanced contents. TMFS Schools foster future digital skills by embracing digital technology in its classroom activities where leadership, design thinking and cognitive abilities were emphasised to prepare the students for future employment. SMK Gunung Semanggol (SMKGS) in Perak, with more than 90% of its students from B40 families, was selected as the first TMFS School, aligned with YTM’s aspiration to assist B40 students in rural areas. To further facilitate the initiative, YTM is establishing TMFS Digital Hub at TMFS Schools where the schools will be equipped with a PocketLab, robotics set, 3D printer, smart TV, desktop, and digital learning content to gain more interest from its students as well as the neighbouring schools. "SMK Gunung Semanggol was identified based on its active involvement in various STEM initiatives, including previous TMFS programmes. The school also has passionate and dedicated teachers, where they adopt integrated and innovative approach for more in-depth understanding of the modules among the students. With such exposure and capabilities, we are confident that SMK Gunung Semanggol is able to play the role as a hub to spread the digital technology knowledge to more students and teachers including at the five (5) neighbouring schools, and approximately over 20 secondary schools in the Kerian district," said Izlyn Ramli, Director of YTM, during the launching ceremony of TMFS School in November 2022. Throughout this three-year programme, YTM, together with its strategic partner, Creative Minds, will work with Multimedia University (MMU), Yayasan Universiti Multimedia (YUM), TM Perak, and other YTM's partners to design and deliver engaging programmes providing the tools and support for students in rural schools to flourish. "We are also happy to see that SMK Gunung Semanggol promotes the development of other skills, such as urban farming and entrepreneurship, to empower the local communities sustainably. So as we continue to identify more potential schools in more states of Malaysia, we hope this programme will unearth more talented students towards building a competitive and sustainable community in the future," she added. Salmah Iman, the Principal of SMK Gunung Semanggol, expressed her enthusiasm, "We feel honoured and privileged to be chosen as the first TMFS School in the Northern Zone and Malaysia. We are excited and look forward to share the positive impact of this programme with the nearby schools. As we are committed to ensuring that this programme achieves its goals, we are also confident that YTM's support and assistance will help these students be prepared for future employment and enhance their standard of living." At the event, Bakri Arsad, Chief Assistant Director of Mathematics and Science, Learning Sector, Perak State Education Department, said, "We welcome such initiatives through collaboration with the private sector, especially for rural schools that need exposure to digital technology. These programmes will inspire students to explore their potential beyond academics and increase the number of students choosing STEM-related fields." During the launch, guests had the opportunity to visit the Pusat Sumber Sekolah Pendeta Za'aba and experience content and materials created by the students based on specific themes including unique handicrafts and martial arts performances. Guests toured the school's urban farm, where they sampled delicious cuisine prepared by students from the special education class using produce from the farm. SMK Gunung Semanggol provided a wonderful ambience of positive vibes that attract students' engagement and boosted their creativity.   To date, STEM-related programmes by YTM, including TMFS, have benefited over 15,000 students and teachers from over 500 schools across the country. With the support and assistance of various interested partners, we hope this initiative will spark students' interest in pursuing their tertiary studies in technology and digital fields and equip the young generation with future-proof skills relevant to the future workforce.

30 Oct 2019
TM and Huawei collaborate to accelerate 5G commercialisation in Malaysia

Both parties exploring a working mechanism to cover spectrum, business case, ecosystem and key technologies towards empowering Digital Malaysia. Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) and Huawei Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd (Huawei) have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate in accelerating 5G commercialisation in Malaysia as the country moves towards a Digital Nation. The MoU was signed by both companies at TM-Huawei Tech Summit held recently. Ir. Ts Azizi A. Hadi, Chief Network Officer, TM signed the MoU on behalf of TM while Mr. Zac Chow, Vice President Huawei Malaysia, represented Huawei at the signing ceremony. Commenting on the collaboration, Dato' Noor Kamarul Anuar, Group Chief Executive Officer, TM said, "It is an exciting development for us to collaborate with a global player like Huawei to accelerate the offering of 5G services to Malaysians. As a national telecommunications infrastructure provider of Malaysia's Digital Nation aspirations, 5G technology will complement our existing wired-based offerings, world class connectivity as well as digital infrastructure. It will enable us to deliver more innovative digital solutions to all our customers across various segments. TM via its innovative and comprehensive products and solutions will continue to lay the foundation for Industrial Revolution 4.0 and rolling out 5G nationwide - serving a more digital society and lifestyle, digital businesses and industry verticals, as well as digital Government. This collaboration augurs well for the accelerated deployment of future 5G network, applications and solutions for Malaysian homes, businesses and beyond, in line with our aspiration to power Digital Malaysia."​ Meanwhile, Michael Yuan, Chief Executive Officer of Huawei said: "TM and Huawei have been working hand-in-hand for 15 years. We have been working together to connect more people than ever before. We are now at the crossroads of digital transformation. Huawei will fully support TM's aspiration to power Digital Malaysia, and will work together with TM to building a better connected and intelligent Malaysia via 5G." Under the MoU, both parties intend to explore on collaborating by leveraging on each other's core expertise and capabilities to explore a working mechanism covering spectrum, business case, ecosystem and key technologies. This would include collaborating for a joint study on 5G spectrum and its evolution; possible joint development of new services concepts and business case of selected 5G use cases which include but not limited to Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), Smart Cities and Vehicle-to-Vehicle or Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2X); joint study in the areas of 5G Ecosystem Innovation; and explore future cooperation on full-fledged 5G end-to-end system. Through this collaboration, a joint working group will also be set up to identify areas of copper line services with the aim towards improving customer experience through FWA technology and/or services. "With this collaboration, we further strengthen our role as a national telecommunications infrastructure provider of Malaysia's Digital Nation aspirations, where TM has established the communications backbone of Malaysia with the widest connectivity and convergence network. As a responsible nation-builder, we will continue to serve as a strategic enabler of the National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan (NFCP), backed by our solid infrastructure towards empowering Digital Malaysia" Dato' Noor Kamarul Anuar concluded.


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