05 Nov 2020

TM R&D Continues its award winning streak at the World Communication Awards 2020

TM R&D Continues its award winning streak at the World Communication Awards 2020 Article Header

The Company’s internally-developed smarter digital solutions for IoT of Water and energy management received global recognitions for innovation.

​​​​​Telekom Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D), the innovation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), recently bagged two (2) awards at the prestigious World Communication Awards 2020 organised virtually in London, United Kingdom. ​

The awards, the fourth and fifth received by TM R&D this year, were conferred to TM R&D for its innovative solutions namely Smart Water Integrated Management System (SWIMS) under the IoT Innovation Award category while Enterprise Energy Management System (EENT) received the recognition under the Data Innovation Award category.

Commenting on the milestone achievement, Dr. Sharlene Thiagarajah, Chief Executive Officer, TM R&D said, "This is indeed a proud moment for us at TM R&D. For our internally-developed smart solutions to be recognised at the World Communication Awards, it is indeed a huge encouragement for us to further strengthen our position as the leader in research, development and innovation field. This double win is a remarkable feat and my heartiest congratulations to everyone in the TM R&D team who has put tremendous efforts in providing the best for our customers and partners."

"In addition, we will continue to innovate with purpose and introduce smarter digital solutions that will enhance and transform lives and businesses while simultaneously supporting TM's aspirations and unique role as the enabler of Digital Malaysia.," she added.

In the global telecommunications industry, the World Communication Awards are the most revered mark of achievement. For over 22 years, the awards have recognised innovation excellence in global telecoms companies and attract hundreds of submissions annually.

SWIMS is an Internet of Water (IoW) solution, essentially doing for water what Internet of Things (IoT) does for various other industries and verticals such as electric utilities, transportation, smart cities and factory automation. It enables in-depth, new insights into the operations and the right tools to act on those insights.

"SWIMS offers end-to-end smart water management that improves non-revenue water management. It optimises the repair and replacement of ageing water infrastructure as well as improves responses to weather events such as water level and quality. The solution has now been commercially-deployed, bringing real innovation to the public," shared Dr. Sharlene.

Another recognition received by TM R&D at the World Communication Awards was for EENT. It is a universal internet of energy management solution developed as an agnostic platform to cater for all types of IoT devices, system designs, geographical demand, multi-tenancy or budgeting, with its backend connected to an in-house IoT hosting platform.

"EENT offers a seamless end-to-end smart energy monitoring system that improves energy management, optimises energy use as well as improves response to energy saving plan. It adopts big data architectures and analytics technologies, turning the data challenge into an opportunity and ultimately driving revenue, profit or cost reduction," she revealed.

Established in 2001, TM R&D is the centre of innovation for TM Group focusing on innovations that enriches humanity and bring progress to nations. Growing from strength to strength since 2016, TM R&D has won 19 globally recognised awards and generated more than 2,800 Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and 1,400 digital assets to-date. TM R&D's innovations all developed in-house cut across multiple verticals such as Utilities, Retail, Agriculture, Healthcare and Education with safety and productivity as the top priority. As TM R&D continues to expand beyond connectivity and into smarter digital ecosystems, its role in TM has become more prominent and exciting.

For more information about TM R&D and its products and services, they can be contacted at business@tmrnd.com.my or log on to www.tmrnd.com.my or follow them on LinkedIn (TM Research & Development) for more news and updates.


16 Jan 2022
Statement for Enquiries on unifi Mobile 5G

​We have received enquiries on when 5G will be available to our unifi Mobile customers. We would like to thank everyone for their excitement and support as we welcome this new era of unifi Mobile. Our goal is to provide unifi Mobile customers the best 5G experience we can offer. As such, we are currently doing extensive internal testing on our 5G service. At this point of time, we are unable to provide the actual date for customer trials. Watch this space for the latest updates on unifi Mobile 5G!

09 Mar 2023

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) joined organisations worldwide to celebrate International Women’s Day, honouring the women of TM as well as all women spearheading innovation and technology.   Supporting the United Nations’ efforts to recognise women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education, the event was themed DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality and was officiated by YB Teo Nie Ching, Deputy Minister of Communications & Digital.   In addressing the event, YB Teo said, “Today marks a special occasion to celebrate the efforts and contributions of women from all walks of life and to recognise their role in families, workplaces and communities. This event hosted by TM also serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas and new perspectives about gender equality especially in today’s digital realities.   “As Malaysia continues to advance digitally, more conversations are needed about enabling greater inclusion and diversity in the technology and digital sector. We must also drive on why it is fundamental to ensure equal opportunities for digital literacy and access to online resources, while increasing the protection of women and girls in digital spaces.”     Echoing these sentiments about equality in the digital sector, Dato’ Imri Mokhtar, TM’s Group CEO explained, “As TM progresses towards becoming a human-centred TechCo, we believe that the most crucial element for our digital future is the growth and capabilities of our talents.   “With 37% of our top level management being women, we are pleased to launch ASPIRE: A Women’s Advancement Programme by TM. This 1-year leadership development programme aims to cultivate a new generation of women leaders, and tap into their unique perspectives and experiences to enrich TM’s innovation and long-term sustainability.”   With the first 30 high-performing employees already on-boarded in the programme, participants will be groomed to grow their professional image and personal branding, explore skills to lead, influence, negotiate and navigate today’s workplace, and gain opportunities to connect with peers, mentors and sponsors to enhance their future career progression.   This new programme serves as the latest in TM’s ongoing efforts to empower women, including its efforts to support the wider community.   This includes Yayasan TM (YTM), the foundation arm of TM, which offers scholarships that have benefitted high-performing students – with 49.5% of its current scholars studying in Malaysia and overseas made up of young women.  At the same time, TM’s subsidiary Multimedia University recorded that 49.3% of its employed graduates were young women – a positive reflection in enabling equal opportunities for the next generation of game-changers.   Tapping into the insights of current women game-changers, the event included panellists Dr Sumitra Nair, Head and Senior Vice President Strategy & Policy, MDEC; Yuki Aizawa, Country Director Malaysia Chapter, Women in Tech Global Movement; and Mariam Jaafar, Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group, Singapore.   Moderated by TM’s Chief Human Capital Officer, Sarinah Abu Bakar – who is also serving as sponsoring mentor for the ASPIRE programme with Shanti Jusnita Johari, TM’s Chief Marketing Officer – the panel addressed issues such as the role of innovation and technology in empowering women and girls in Malaysia, the gap between urban and rural use of innovative technology, and the importance of women role models for today's youth.   “Today’s event and the launch of ASPIRE are part of our continuous commitment to enriching the prosperity and livelihoods of our Warga TM, and across the nation and beyond. The success of TM’s transformation journey is anchored on our dedicated workforce, loyal customers and local communities. Therefore, we see it as our duty and obligation to empower the lives of our people and communities, ensure greater digital inclusion, and prepare them for excellence in the digitalised future,” Dato’ Imri Mokhtar concluded.

07 Sep 2022
Yayasan TM issues two requests for proposal (RFP) for Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur Transformation Plan 2022 - 2024; seeks interested parties to apply

Request For Proposal (RFP) On Food And Beverage (F&B) Operator At Muzium Telekom, Kuala Lumpur Yayasan TM (YTM), the foundation arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), today has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking multiple partner organisations to be part of Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur Transformation Plan 2022 - 2024. YTM launched The Muzium Telekom Transformation Plan with the objective to placemake the 94-year-old heritage building as an engaging public space, for education, entertainment and monetisation opportunities. "We are calling on many experts and practitioners to join forces with us in the spirit of collaboration and creativity, to curate programmes, services, activities or events that can help us to reimagine and transform Muzium Telekom as a placemaking public venue that is vibrant, educational and inclusive to everyone," said Izlyn Ramli, Director of Yayasan TM. "As the economy has opened up, public spaces and museums are seeing an increasing number of visitors looking for iconic venues and engaging activities. Muzium Telekom's differentiation is through the marriage of technology and arts, where digitalisation plays a significant role, in line with our TM Group vision as a human-centred tech company and the enabler of Digital Malaysia.  YTM will continue its ongoing mission to preserve and celebrate the nation's arts, culture & heritage, as well as supporting community sustainable livelihoods by placemaking Muzium Telekom into an engaging public digital arts space with future-forward immersive museums' exhibits and various community and micro-SME (such as retail and F&B) programmes," she added. Since 1994, Muzium Telekom also known as Muzium Telekomunikasi Negara, has been showcasing the history and evolution of telecommunications in Malaysia. Befitting the times, YTM aims to reinvigorate this beautiful historic building as an engaging hub that connect the dots across the many facets within the TM Group and beyond, to include the industry and overall ecosystem. Within TM Group, it aims to showcase talents from Multimedia University (MMU) students, alumni and faculty in digital, creative and cinematic arts as well as TM's heritage and innovation in telecommunications. Concurrently, this is extended to the rich ecosystem of collaboration partners in the same fields. In 2018, YTM launched the Telegraph Museum, Taiping graced by HRH the Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah. This unique and niche museum features the history of the country's telegraph communications system including its maiden breakthrough in Taiping, Perak and how technology has contributed to the development of the nation. Both Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur and Telegraph Museum Taiping aim to be key resources for students, researchers and the communities to deepen their understanding on the complex telecommunications industry and how it has contributed to both nationbuilding and the world telecommunication history. YTM is calling for interested parties to participate in two (2) RFPs issued earlier. Details are as follows: 1)    Request For Proposal (RFP) On Food And Beverage (F&B) Operator At Muzium Telekom, Kuala Lumpur YTM is seeking F&B companies who are capable to manage end-to-end F&B outlets' operations at Muzium Telekom KL. The scope will be covering F&B outlets' concept (inclusive design & build), compliance to heritage building guidelines, F&B business model and operations. There are TWO (2) F&B outlets available at Muzium Telekom whereby the interested party can choose to operate F&B outlet 1 that is located at the corner lot in the front of main road or/and F&B outlet 2 which located in the courtyard of museum. These share a common kitchen located next to outlet 2. 2)    Request Of Proposal (RFP) For The Appointment Of Museum Operator (Service Provider) For Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur And Telegraph Museum Taiping YTM is seeking proposals from firms / consortiums or  interested  qualified parties with experience in the museums / galleries / arts and culture / tourism or  related  experience industries  to  be  The  Museum  Operator  (Service  Provider)  for  Muzium  Telekom  Kuala  Lumpur  and  Telegraph  Museum  Taiping;  and  implement  The  Muzium   Telekom   Transformation Plan 2022-2024  By the year 2024, YTM hopes to complete the new museum experience built on the theme of "Art & Technology: Future Forward", providing access to a variety of experiences that educate, inspire and engage the public with telecommunication technologies and innovations. The new Muzium Telekom will unveil more than 27,000 sq ft of completely reimagined spaces, including its National Telecommunication Gallery, Digital Art Gallery, Museum Black Box Theater, Museum Cafe & Restaurant, Kids Discovery, Thematic Exhibition Rooms and many more. The RFPs can be downloaded at https://bit.ly/museumoperator or https://bit.ly/RFPmuseumcafe. The deadline for submitting proposals for Food And Beverage (F&B) Operator is 16 September 2022 and Museum Operator (Service Provider) For Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur And Telegraph Museum Taiping is 20 September 2022. YTM looks forward to all proposals and wishes participants all the very best in making these aspirations a reality for the community and the city.


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